Mista {Relaxation}

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Stinky boi just wants some affection 

You lounged on your plush bed with a book in hand, trying to find some peace in the words. You had just come back from an especially exhausting mission and you needed some time to relax. However, you were still a little on edge, so winding down was a challenge. 

Suddenly, your door was flung open. "(Y/N)!" Oh no

"Hey, Mista." He plopped down next to you and leaned down for a kiss. You turned away. "Not now, okay?" He looked down at you with a soft and mildly disappointed expression. 

"Mio Tesoro, what's wrong?" he took your hand in his, it was surprisingly soft. 

"I'm tired." You sighed and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before closing your book and rolling over. A few moments of silence passed. 

"Think we can nap together?" 

"S-sure." You sat up and watched him get up to close the door. He turned out the lights and sat on the edge of the bed. He took off his hat, revealing a nest of brown curls. They looked soft and bounced back when you pulled at them. 

"Hey!" Mista batted your hand away, a playful smile on his lips. "You're lucky you get to see it, don't push it." You laughed and tugged at his hair again. He caught your hand in his and pulled you into his chest. He wrapped his arms around you, trapping you in a warm embrace. 

"Mista! What are you-"

"I love you (Y/N)." He gave you a quick kiss on the forehead and let you go. 

"You what?" His face turned bright red. 

"Come on, you're tired, let's get some sleep," he stumbled over his words. He let out a nervous laugh and turned away. You were internally screaming as you laid down, trying to wrap your head around what just happened. Well, whatever that was, it was adorable. Wait, what?

He laid down behind you and wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you closer. You pulled the blanket up around your shoulders and sighed. Wait did he just confess to me?!  Suddenly, you weren't so tired anymore. You rolled over and placed a hand on Mista's chest. His cheeks were still a deep red, it was cute. 

"What did you say?"

"I didn't say anything. What do you-"

"No, dummy, what you said earlier." His brow furrowed. 

"Want to take a nap together?" 

"No! Not that!" You laughed, "You know exactly what I'm talking about, Guido." Your use of his first name surprised him. 

"I- I love you. There, is that what you wanted?" You softly stroked his cheek, watching his eyes. 

"Yes." You twined your legs with his and wrapped your arm around his neck. "I guess I love you too."

"You guess?!" He began to protest, you cut him off with a chaste kiss. You finally understood what your closeness with the hitman meant. You thought that you were just very good friends. A kiss on the cheek is normal for friends, right? But probably not real kisses, like the ones you and Mista had shared on a few occasions. I suppose we are lovers. 

"Come on, I'm tired, let's get some sleep," you mocked him. He laughed and pulled you close, mumbling something you couldn't quite make out. The boy was out like a light, giving you ample time to think about your feelings and appreciate his handsome face. 

You eventually fell asleep, feeling quite relaxed for the first time in a few days. 

A/N: Ayy bois guess who's not dead. I'm sorry this took me sooo long, I've been super busy. I should be able to knock out a couple more today (I know I said that last time whoops) Anyways, How have y'all been? I would love to hear about your day! 

~Jade (and please remember that there are two of us here! Give Ghost some love too!)

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