Kars {Icecream}

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modern AU oop-

You sighed and leaned against the wall, taking a sip of your flat soda. You glared across the room at no one in particular. Colored lights lit up the room and created funny shadows against the walls and floor. You scanned the room for a good spot to sit down, hell you'd even settle for a spot on the floor. Someone slumped against the wall next to you and you muttered a quiet hello. He nodded and said hi back, not even looking up from his drink. 

"Fun party, huh?" 

"Very entertaining," he chuckled. He looked over at you with a soft smile. His eyes had the same glossy bored look you were sure you had. 

"How did I even end up here?"

"I'm guessing you didn't want to say no to the invite." He was right. You giggled and shot a quick smile back at him. 

"Well what about you?"

"I had nothing better to do." He shrugged and took a long draw of his drink. 



"Nothing, you just didn't seem like that type of guy." You took a closer look at him. He seemed like one of the popular guys that was always at the top of the class. He looked like he belonged in some fancy conference instead of a shitty house party hosted by the second hottest girl in your class. 

"Well then, just what type of guy am I?" You shrugged. He laughed and turned away. He took one final sip of his drink and crushed the can in his hand. "This party blows. Do you like ice cream?"

"Hell yeah." He smiled at you and headed towards the door. You followed, throwing away your cup on the way out. He led you to an expensive sleek car and stepped in. 

"You coming? There's nothing to be afraid of." Now that he mentioned it, there was plenty to be afraid of. You let your curiosity get the better of you and slipped into the passenger seat. The interior was nice, definitely nicer than your own car. 

"Where are we going?" He checked his phone and hummed quietly to himself. 

"How's Baskin Robins? It's the closest."

"Sounds good!" He turned on the radio and left the small house behind. You stared out of the window for most of the drive. Finally, he pulled into a dimly lit parking lot and parked near the store. 

You stepped out of the car onto the wet pavement and waited for him before you left the car. He flashed you a casual smirk and headed into the small store. He waved you in front of him and followed after making sure his car was locked. You pushed open the door a smiled at the register, who waved back from behind the counter. 

"I'll be with you in just a moment," she said through a smile. Kars walked over to the open counter that displayed the many flavors of icecream and pointed to the large tub of pistachio.

"This one's my favorite, but they're all good."

"Seriously? How does a guy like you like pistachio icecream?" He just shrugged and stuck his hands in his pockets. You looked through the display case at the many tubs of colorful icecream. 

"That Rocky Road looks good. Ooh they have (F/F)!" He gave you a curious look. 

"How does a girl like you like (F/F)?" You glared at him and spared a laugh. 

"That's fair." 

"Hey, how can I help you guys today? Would you two be interested in a couple's discount? 4 scoops for the price of 2!" The worker caught you by surprise as she seemed to appear from thin air behind the counter. 

"Oh, um, I don't know-"

"Yes, please," Kars answered, cutting you off as you stuttered. He took your hand in his and twined your fingers, not even paying attention to your silent protests. He continued to order as you felt your face heat up. She turned to you with an expectant smile. 

"And for you?"

"Just two scoops of (F/F), please. In a waffle cone." She punched in your order and started to prepare your icecream. Kars led you over to a bench in the corner and sat against the wall. You sat across from him and you flashed an exaggerated smirk. "You come here often?" He chuckled. 

"Only if you do." He winked and glanced towards the counter. Your icecream was ready. He walked over and grabbed the cones, returning to the table with a smile. You took your cone and made eye contact with him as you licked the cold treat. He raised a brow and took a bite out of the top scoop. You cringed. 

"How can you just bite into it like that?"

"You can't?" You scoffed and focused back on your icecream. It was really good. You were glad you ditched the party with a stranger and got into his car even though you didn't even know the guy. You made a mental note to not do that too often. 

"Thanks for taking me out," you muttered from behind your icecream cone. He nodded in response. You finished your icecream in near silence. 

Kars escorted you back to his car but stopped you on the sidewalk. He stepped in close and wrapped an arm around your waist, raising the other to softly cup your face. He leaned in so close you could smell the alcohol on his breath. Should I really have let him drive me here?? You shivered when he licked your cheek. You grabbed his wrist and a small yelp escaped your throat. He placed a quick kiss on the corner of your lips and pulled away. 

"You had a bit of icecream on your face," he said, way too casually. You blushed and looked away. 

"T-thanks." He let you out of his embrace and you walked the rest of the way to his car. 

"No point in going back to the party now, want me to take you home?"

"Yeah that sounds great." You weren't too keen about giving this guy your address but you wouldn't think about that until later. You turned on the radio as soon as you got into your seat. The first channel to come up was classic rock.This guy has good taste. You directed him to your little apartment and reached over to turn down the radio. "Thanks for the ride home, and the icecream."

"Anytime." You studied him for a moment, looking into his guys. 

"You know, I didn't peg you as the type of guy to take girls out to icecream then drive them home."

"Did you think I was the type of guy to take a girl out to icecream then never return them?" You shivered. 

"Maybe. You don't have the serial killer vibe though." He laughed. 

"I'll take that as a compliment," he chuckled, "Well, this is your stop. Looks like you've marked up a hefty fare." 

"Woah I didn't realize I'd have to pay." He stuck out his hand and looked at you expectantly. You grasped his hand in yours and brought his knuckles to your lips. 

"Does that cover it?"

"Just about." You laughed and sighed. You kissed his palm, and his wrist, and planted kisses up his forearm. 

"That enough?" He shook his head and hummed. You sighed and rolled your eyes. You reached across the car and grabbed his face, squishing his cheeks together. You turned his head and kissed his cheek before making a quick exit. "Thanks for the icecream!" you yelled over your shoulder. You heard him laugh before he pulled away. You'd have to go to parties more often if it meant spending more time with him. 

Guys I'm on a bang and a half rn and I'm vibrating hh-

Anyways, enjoy :3 I might get some more done tonight if I'm lucky oof


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