Josuke {Deals}

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Music Shop!AU Jouske and Okuyasu work at a small music store in Morioh. Also, your dear author has returned! And with real fluff! 

*Another note, requests are still open! Your requests are greatly appreciated and I would love your input!

(F/C) - Favorite Color

(S/F/C) - Second Favorite Color

You marched through the door of your local music store with an unusually high level of confidence. The bell rang behind you as the door closed and the clerks greeted you. They were your favorite people in the whole town of Morioh as you spent most of your time in this little music shop. 

"Hey, (Y/N)," Josuke greeted you. When he saw your determined expression, he flashed you that devilish smile that you loved so much. "You're in an unusually good mood today."

"What happened? Did someone ask you out?" The other one asked as he sat up on the counter. You walked up to the counter and leaned over it. 

"Come on guys, seriously? I can't just be happy?" You soon recognized the other clerk as Okuyasu. "Oh, Oku, I thought you had the night shift?" 

"I came in early," he explained. 

"So, are we ever going to find out who died to make you this happy?" Josuke asked as he walked out from behind the desk 

"Actually, I am here to make a purchase."

"Really? You can do that?" Okuyasu joked. You rolled your eyes and nodded. 

"I'm here for 'her'." Josuke let out a short sigh and laughed. 

"Finally! We thought we'd have to see you come in here every day and lust after the damn thing." He turned away and went through a door labeled 'Employees Only'. This was the moment, you could barely contain your excitement. You grinned madly as you waited for him to come back. 

He soon returned with the most beautiful guitar you had ever seen. It was a sleek 6 string with a gorgeous (F/C) pickguard on (S/F/C) and a perfectly stained neck. You nearly drooled over it everytime you set foot in the store after they had first put it out on display. You had played it so many times in the practice room in the back, it's tone was unique, one of a kind. 

"God, she's beautiful," you sighed as he handed you the guitar. Okuyasu laughed at you from behind the counter, falling down from his perch. 

"Just like her new owner," he said under his breath. You could barely hear it but you were certain it wasn't your imagination. You looked up at Josuke to see him smiling down at you. You giggled and smiled even wider as he took it back and placed it on a stand near the counter. He took the tag off of one of the strings and put the pin into the computer. Okuyasu jumped down and disappeared into the back of the store. 

"So, what's the grand total?" You asked anxiously. 

"Well, I would say $899, but..."He grinned at your horrified expression. Was it really that expensive? Well, the tag didn't say the price, but you had never expected it to be that much. 

"What?" You tried to stay silent but your voice didn't comply. You felt your face heat up as he leaned over the counter.

"I can cut you a deal." Okuyasu returned with an amplifier and cables. The whole set looked to be about $300.

"I can give you the guitar for about, $300. That is if you buy the amp." You nearly threw your wallet on the counter. You couldn't believe what was happening! You wanted so badly to pull him over the counter and plant a kiss on his lips, but you resisted the urge. 

"Well then, we have a deal!" You nearly jumped up and down with excitement as Josuke rung everything up. Okuyasu joined you and smiled widely at you. Once the transaction was complete, you put the guitar in a case and Josuke helped you carry everything to your car. 

When everything was loaded up, Josuke turned to you with a soft expression. 

"(Y/N), I'm really excited for you. I know how much you wanted it."

"Ah, thanks, Jotaro."He laughed lightly.

"I don't give every customer deals like that you know."

"Well, I'm not just every other customer," you took a second to register what you were saying, "am I?"

"N-no!" A bright pink crept across his cheeks and he placed a hand behind his head. You laughed and stepped closer to him. 

"Thanks, I won't forget it. I'll be back soon." You reached up and kissed him softly on the cheek before turning away from him and falling into the driver seat. You locked yourself in your car as you saw him walk away, dazed and slightly disappointed. You hit yourself on the steering wheel and smiled. You decided that, even if you didn't need it, you would have to come back for lessons; yet another reason to see your favorite person. 

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