Abbacchio {Intoxicated}

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Abba likes wine, you like whiskey. A fight ensues fueled by alcohol and hidden feelings

Bruno is gone and Abba is capo, also, mild cursing :) P.S. Alcoholism isn't good kiddos, don't drink... excessively ;)

You groaned as you stared at the empty bottle of whiskey before you. It was your all-time favorite, but alas, it had been discontinued. 

"Damn it," You mumbled as you put your head down on the table.

"'Stop whining," Abbachio commanded. 

"Fuck you, buddy, I'm out of alcohol and it's only 9 PM." He slammed his glass on the table so hard you thought it might shatter. 

"We have plenty of alcohol, you're just a picky bitch.  Don't curse at me, I'll kick your ass." You stared up at your superior. His eyes shone with drunken rage and his lips were curled in a sinister scowl. It was kinda hot. 

"I go harder than you do Mr. Octopus hair."

"Stop trying to act all high and mighty, I'm your superior." He paused to flash you a smug grin, "Plus I've seen you pass out after only three of those." He pointed at a little shot glass in the middle of the table. You stood, knocking your chair over. You heard a quiet snicker from the other side of the room but you ignored it, it was probably just Mista anyways. You grabbed Abbacchio by the collar. You had the strange urge to kiss him, but you pushed the thought away. 

"I'm sorry I'm not a pussy that only drinks Rosé and makes fun of people that are younger than me because of my insecurities in my own abilities. Superiority complex much?" You could immediately tell that you had hit a nerve. Maybe you had gone a Little too far. He pushed you so hard you fell backward. You mumbled a string of curses as he stood over you, his stand hovering behind his shoulder. You stood and brushed yourself off. "Using stands, are we? How do you even win a fight with that thing? You'd have better chances with a pop gun."

"At least I have a stand. And not to mention, I don't get flustered every time my capo addresses me." What the fuck?!  You felt yourself blush. No, no, no!

"Y-you piece of- I do Not!"

"I'm sorry I c-couldn't u-understand y-you," he mocked.

"Oh fuck you! It's only because I like you!" He stared at you in disbelief. Oh no. "You know what, I take that back since you're such a dick." 

It was too late. Abbacchio grinned and called back his stand. His faced showed something new, an emotion you couldn't quite make out. You thought you could hear a "holy shit" from where Mista and Narancia were eagerly watching the fight.

"That's an interesting development."

"No! I said I took it back! I didn't even mean it in the first place!" He laughed and wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you close. Judging by his smell, he was surprisingly sober. Well, less drunk than you thought he was. 

"I know a liar when I see one, (Y/N)." He smirked. 

"You're my boss I could Never-"

"But you do, don't you."  You bit your lip and pried his arm from around your waist. You glared up at him, fiery rage burning within you. 

"Buccellati should be here instead of you." You turned and darted to your room, Mista and Naranica slowly retreating to their rooms as well to avoid Abbacchio's rage. You slammed the door behind you and fell back onto your bed. It was barely that. Oh, the luxurious life of a gangster. 

A couple hours crept by before you heard a soft knock on the door. You sat up, hoping it was Fugo coming to tell you he was back. You sighed. "Come in."

Abacchio stepped through the door, softly closing it behind him. He leaned against it and crossed his arms. Neither one of you said anything, you just stared, expecting the other to start the conversation. 

"I didn't mean it." You said in unison with your Capo. 

"Abbacchio I'm sorry, I really shouldn't have brought up-"

"I shouldn't have yelled at you like that." He interrupted. You felt your face heat up when he gave you a weak smile. "You first." 

"I shouldn't have said that about Buccellati. I'm glad you're here," You paused and rubbed the back of your neck. "And you were right."

"I know. But I still shouldn't have yelled at you. I admit that."

"And?" He sighed and rolled his eyes. 

"I shouldn't have pushed you either." He sat next to you on the bed. "Do you know why I don't drink as much as I used to?" 

You shrugged. "No."

"Because I'm already intoxicated by you." He leaned over and gave you a quick kiss on the cheek. "Try not to get too hungover. We have a mission tomorrow." He left, pulling the door shut behind him. He was gone as quickly as he had appeared. Your face burned red hot and you touched your cheek where he had kissed you. Maybe there was hope for you yet.

A/N: That turned out a lot more ooc than I intended, sorry guys :,/

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