Giorno {Miss You}

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Modern AU plus his dad is slightly normal (Sorry if it's a bit OOC, I'm pretty sure Giorno has quite a bit of sass tho so it should be fine)

"Baby, it's not that late."

"It's almost 11. I'm pretty sure it's too late. Plus my parents aren't even up."

"So? My dad isn't up either. He wouldn't care anyway."

"What do you want me to do?  Walk all the way there?"

"I can take the car." You sighed and set down your phone, glancing into the hallway. There was no light coming from under your parents' door so you assumed they were asleep. 

"Okay fine." You heard him giggle as he ended the call. You rolled your eyes and flopped back onto the bed. As much as you loved him, he was trouble sometimes. But it was when you got in trouble that you had the most fun.

You quietly snuck through the house with your backpack to the living room. You grabbed your keys and left through the front door. You figured you'd wait on the porch for him to arrive. You expected him to stop a few doors down just in case your parents noticed the headlights. He pulled around the corner and passed your house, slowing to a stop further down the street. You glanced back at your front door and stepped off the porch, running to his car. 

"Hey baby," he called. You slipped into the passenger seat and tossed your backpack in the back. 

"Yeah, yeah. Let's split before anyone calls my parents." He laughed, his smile radiating throughout the car. He put his hand on your thigh and it stayed there for the rest of the drive (No matter how many times you told him to have both hands on the wheel, he insisted). You yawned as he pulled into the gravel driveway. You were greeted by his dogs when you got out of the car. They ran in circles around you and back to the front door. 

"C'mon Diego, leave her alone," he said when one of them jumped on you. You gave him a pat on the head as he leaned against your legs. You followed Giorno inside, quietly pulling the door shut behind you. You kicked off your shoes and walked into the spacious kitchen. He smiled at you from across the room and pressed a finger to his lips. You nodded and silently padded through the kitchen to the stairs. He climbed up two steps at a time while you followed. He waited for you at the top of the stairs where he ambushed you with a hug. You squeaked when he wrapped his arms around you and began to tickle your sides. 

"Gio! Stop!" He stopped and pulled you close, holding you tightly by the waist. He leaned down until his lips touched your ear. 

"Shhh! We gotta be quiet!" he whispered. He grabbed your hand and brought it to his lips in a quick kiss. 

He twirled you into his room and gave your hand one last kiss. You giggled to yourself and placed your stuff down by his desk. The layout of his room was imprinted on your mind, including the things that had happened in there. 

You walked over to the bed and sat down on the edge, pulling the thick blanket around your shoulders. 

"Grab the pillows, let's head downstairs." You gave him a curious look. 

"Why downstairs?" you asked. He simply winked at you in response. You blushed and started collecting the pillows on the bed, happy to have an excuse to not have to look at him. If you needed to keep quiet upstairs that surely meant that he was up to something. You followed him back downstairs with your arms full of pillows and he lead you into the basement. You didn't mind the basement, in fact it was where you spent most of your time at his house. He laid out many plush blankets on the floor to create some kind of mattress (even though it didn't do much against the cold, hard floor beneath it). You arranged the pillows against the couch and plopped down on the arm. You looked up at him and gazed into his dreamy eyes. He flashed a bright smile and leaned down to scoop you up in a big hug. 

You fell over onto the couch, pulling him on top of you. You relished in the contact for a moment before you realized the corner you had put yourself in. You scrambled to push him off of you but it was too late. He attacked you with tickles, showing no mercy as you laughed under him. 

"Giorno, stop! Come on!" You pushed back at him to no avail. He paused and gave you a moment to catch your breath, which was a bad idea on his part. You pulled a pillow off of the floor and shoved it in his face. He tumbled off of you and onto the make-shift bed with a soft "oof". 

"Oh, I'm gonna get you." He stood and armed himself with two pillows, deflecting your attempt at hitting him when you threw the pillow you had. You grabbed a few more and stood before him. You giggled at his dorky smile. He took an offensive position and you tried to protect yourself from the onslaught of aggressive blows. He hit you hard in the chest and you fell back onto the couch. He pinned you by your shoulders to the couch and stuck his knee between your legs. You didn't even bother to struggle. He leaned in close and took your hands in his, placing tender kisses on your palms and wrists. "I missed you."

You smiled, trying to work up the confidence to kiss him but failing. Instead you whispered, "I missed you too." Your words were shaky, your cheeks bright red. He laughed and laid back on the pile of blankets on the floor, pulling you with him. He smiled when he saw how flustered you had become. 

"You're so cute."

"N-no! I am not!" 

"Mhm." You rolled off of him and laid beside him, wrapping yourself in a tight burrito. "Someone is up way past their bedtime." You scoffed and rolled your eyes. 

"What are you, my mom?" He laughed it off and kissed your forehead. He turned away from you and searched in the blankets for the tv remote. He turned on some random station that had a tattoo show playing. You yawned and got comfortable in your snug cocoon. 

"Is there room in there for me?"

"Not if you're gonna tickle me." He rolled his eyes and pulled the blankets off of you, ignoring your complaints. He laid down next to you and pulled a thick blanket over the two of you. You cuddled close to him, holding his hand and twining your fingers with his. A few minutes passed in comfortable silence as the tv droned behind you. 

"You're so cute," he whispered. 

"Am not! You're the cute one." He laughed and shook his head. 

"You're just a baby." You stuck your tongue out at him, not bothering to argue, and rolled over to face away from him. "Was it something I said?" He laid still for a while and you thought he had fallen asleep. Suddenly, he wrapped an arm around your waist and kissed the corner of your lips, you could feel his hair fall onto your shoulder and his soft lips so close to yours. You squeaked. It lasted less than a second but you were stunned. He always knew the easiest ways to fluster you, including random attacks of kisses and hugs. You sighed and rolled back over, suppressing a laugh. 

"I love you."

"Yeah," he whispered, "I love you too."

:3 Hey guys, I'm still alive yeehaw 

This was Totally not written based off of an experience hhh but I'm just gonna drop this and disappear for a while, enjoy!! I'll be working on the other prompts tonight as well but I'm not sure if any more will be published tonight. Oh heck wow this got long lol, anyways, hope y'all are well :)

~Your author, Jade

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