Mista {Thief}

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You groaned as you woke up, cold and dangerously close to the edge of the bed. You sat up and glared at your partner. Mista slept peacefully under not one, but three stolen blankets. And right in the middle of the bed too. You wondered why you tolerated him but remembered when he mumbled your name in his sleep. He was hopelessly in love with you. Or maybe that's just how you felt about him. But the way he said your name always gave you butterflies, whether he was awake or not. You prodded his side and leaned in close. 

"Mista, move." He groaned and rolled away from you. "Come on, I know you're awake." He snored quietly. You huffed and tugged at the many blankets he had stolen. They didn't budge. "I'll kick you," you threatened. He still didn't seem to care. You were close to just giving up and going to sleep on the couch. He rolled over again and pulled the blankets tighter around himself. "Oh come on. You're just being a dick." You sighed and stood, tossing the little bit of blanket you had onto him. You walked to the door in silence until he called out in protest. 

"Where you goin, baby?" You laughed and rolled your eyes, turning back to him with crossed arms. He reached out to you from under his pile of blankets. 

"Somewhere I can actually sleep." 

"Come back," he whined. You glared at him from across the room. His curly brown hair fell over his face and his cheeks were rosy pink. You sighed and sidled over to the bed. You couldn't deny him. He gave you a sleepy smile and scooted over on the bed, lifting the blankets so you could lie next to him. You crawled onto the bed and cuddled up beside him. You draped your arm across his chest. The blankets were plenty warm. He wrapped his arms around you and kissed your forehead. You could tell he had that dorky smile. You sighed with content and eventually fell asleep in his embrace. 

I was trying to make this bold but accidentally pasted another entire fic here I-

Anyways, Mista is totally a blanket thief and that's just tea


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