Weather Report {Pancakes}

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A/N: Who else loved the panel where Jolyne hugged Weather bc that was just too cute. I think Weather should be about 6'1 or somewhere close to that. As always, reader is v smol (Sorry tall readers) and Weather is slightly ooc. 

You heard a soft knock on the door. It seemed too quiet to be done intentionally. You disregarded the noise until you heard another quiet knock. You decided to investigate, setting down your book and walking to the door. You unlocked it and opened it wide enough to see through. On the other side stood someone you assumed to be a man. He was tall with tan skin and striking blue eyes. He had a strange white hat and what you thought were small horns. 

"Uh, hi!" You greeted him as you opened the door the rest of the way. With the door completely open, you could see the rest of his physique. He was well built and wore a dark bodysuit that you couldn't help but admire as you stared at him. You were pulled out of your thoughts as you looked up to see that he had gotten very close to you. Very close; not that you really minded. You began to recognize him as you admired him, he was your new neighbor, though you couldn't remember his name.

"I was wondering if you could help me with something," he said quietly. HIs voice was dark and smooth and by god, you loved it. 

"O-of course! That's what neighbors are for right?" you chuckled. He moved away from you ever so slightly although he was still close. 

"May I borrow an egg?" He tilted his head as he asked the question. You couldn't help but giggle at the cute gesture. 

"Only if you give it back." You snickered at your own joke. "Of course you can have one, do you need anything else?" You turned away from him and walked towards your kitchen, motioning for him to come inside. He walked in, taking light steps on his toes. You noticed but decided to not say anything, it was kinda cute. 

"Well, could you summarize how pancakes are made?" 

"Are you serious?" You couldn't help but laugh, however rude it seemed. You looked back at him and saw his serious expression. Damn, he must've meant it then. "Ah, well, first..." His expression was expectant as he waited for you to finish. "How about I just show you instead," you suggested as you opened the fridge and pulled out a carton of eggs. 

"Alright," he agreed without protest. You took out a couple eggs and put the carton back in the fridge. You followed him out of your apartment, closing the door behind you. He led you a few doors down the hallway before he opened one and walked inside. Did he not lock it? You followed him into the kitchen where he had a few bowls out full of the ingredients. He had almost everything out already; flour, baking powder, milk, and butter.

"Hey, you need sugar too," you pointed out as you cracked the eggs into an extra bowl. 

"Oh, I didn't know it was in the recipe." Once again, he was very close to you, you hadn't even noticed him moving. 

"Well, I could give you a little sugar," you replied slyly. 

"No, I have some." He opened a small pantry and took out a bag of sugar, just taking a bowlful of the sweet substance. 

"Oh alright. You don't need that much ya know." You took the bowl from him and inspected the other bowls of ingredients. Huh, he really had no idea how pancakes worked. You pulled up a recipe on your phone and measured out the ingredients. Wait, you could've just told him to google a recipe earlier. Whatever, this was much better, you were alone in your gorgeous neighbor's apartment. "Here, if you want to mix this together I can start up the stove." Weather nodded and mixed the batter until it was smooth. 

"The pans are over there," he said quietly, pointing to a cabinet. You took out a pan and put it on the stove, turned the heat to medium and put a little bit of butter in the pan. 

"Alright, it should be hot enough now," you murmured. You looked up at him expectantly and he looked back at you with a curious stare. "Now you put a little bit of the batter in the pan," you explained. He closed the little space between you and stood next to you at the stove. He carefully poured a small bit onto the hot pan. 

"Like this?" 

"A little more." He poured more batter into the pan until you had to tell him to stop. It was a good-sized pancake. You grabbed a spatula from a small container nearby and waited until the edges began to bubble. "Now is when you want to flip it," you instructed. You flipped the pancake and sure enough, it was golden brown. 

You repeated the process of making the pancakes several times until you had a good plateful and the batter was all gone. "Alright!" You put the plate down on the small table he had in what you assumed was his dining room. Once again, you didn't notice his presence until you turned and ran into his chest. You put your hands up in surprise, pressing them against his well-built body. You immediately took a step back as your face heated up. 

"Thank you, (Y/N)," he pulled you into a quick hug. 

"Ah, no problem!" You retreated from the hug and picked up a napkin and a pen from the table. "Here's my number, call me anytime you need help!" You couldn't help but laugh a little at your own suggestion. You quickly wrote your number on the napkin and handed it over to him before leaving with a friendly wave. You hoped he would need help with something soon. 

A/N: He turned out a lot more ooc than expected... whoops :/ 

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