Kars {Trust}

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"Master Kars, I'm really not sure about this," you mumbled as you stood above the precipice. 

"You'll do fine," he reassured you. You swallowed hard as you stared down the bottom of the cliff, yep, those rocks looked pretty sharp. You turned back to him and grabbed his arm. He placed a hand on your jaw, an unusually soft gesture. "You've been training for this for years, don't disappoint me." With that, he pushed you off the edge. 

You screamed his name as you fell, trying to orient yourself as the cold, night wind whipped past you. You tried your hardest to steady yourself, remembering the day in which you became a being like him. 

~flashback ayy~

You sat on a large wooden table, your legs dangling off the edge. You weren't quite tall enough yet for your feet to reach the floor, but it was fun, idly swinging your legs back and forth. You looked up at the purple haired pillarman as he turned back to you, holding something gray and bulky in his hands. 

"What's that?" you asked. 

"Something very special. It'll make you strong, just sit still." His voice didn't have its usual edge, he seemed kind of excited. He picked up a red stone from beside you and pressed it into the gray mask. His blades came out of his arm and he used one to make a small cut in your hand, smearing your blood on the mask. Long, dark tendrils came out of the mask, reaching for your arm. 

"K-kars?" He gave you a bright smile before pressing the thing to your face. You screamed as the tendrils wrapped around your head, the ends breaking into your skull. He squeezed your hand and you stilled. 


You struggled in the air, eventually steading yourself. You didn't have very long left, the drop had passed quickly. You screamed his name one final time before you felt his arms wrap around you. You gasped and opened your eyes, purple feathers flooding your vision. You wrapped your arms around him and hugged him tightly. You didn't dare look at his face, you didn't want to see his stupid scowl. Tears stung your eyes as you finally felt the hard dirt beneath your feet. He set you down gently before releasing you from his hold. 

"(Y/N), look at me."

"Master Kars please, let me try again," you blurted out. You stared at the ground until he roughly grabbed your jaw and lifted your head. Yeah, he was scowling again. He took a deep breath and covered his face with his hand. 

"You get one more chance."

It was a long climb up the face of the cliff, but you finally made it. By the time you reached the top, it was almost dawn, you would have to get this done quickly. You took a deep breath and took a step closer to the edge, trying not to look down. You turned to give your master one last smile before taking the dive. 

This time, instead of screaming and flailing in the air, you focused all of your energy into a set of wings. You had gone through this process a hundred times, it was as easy as snapping your fingers. You took a few deep breaths and glanced back at the multicolored feathers before unfurling your wings. Voila, you stopped falling. You laughed before giving an experimental flap of your new wings. 

Before you knew it you were flying. You were really flying! You soared out past the rocky area and up towards the top. 

"Kars!" You circled the top of the cliff and he gave you a rare smirk of approval before joining you in the sky. Your heart raced with excitement. "I did it Kars!"

"Good. I might have been impressed if you did it on your first try," he teased. He seemed happier than usual, but you weren't gonna complain. 

"Just because you killed a Joestar on your first try doesn't mean anything!" He huffed and glared at you.

"Just be thankful you didn't die your first time."

A/N: Who doesn't love some ooc Kars? Don't worry, we're not dead, just inactive. Hope y'all have had a good *checks calendar* September!

Edit: I have an acc on ao3 now! It's also Esidesu if you wanna check it out, its mostly the same stuff with a couple,,, extra special things


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