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What's up fellow lonely people? I'm writing a Valentine's Special instead of finding a bf bc I'm sad and I don't want to do my homework. Jade already has a special someone so she isn't allowed to write lol


You slammed your fist down on your alarm. You had promised yourself you would be productive and get things done rather than sit around and do nothing. You rolled out of bed and started getting ready for the day.

After simultaneously brushing your teeth while getting dressed, you stepped into the room across the hall. Usually, Santana and Wamuu were up watching the sun rise from behind the screened in window. You peeked in the door to find both men curled up on the mattress. Their hair was splayed out like a Jackson Pollock painting. Light snores came from both of them. Perhaps it wasn't a sun viewing day.

You gently shut the door on them and tiptoe down the stairs as to not wake up anyone else in the house. If Wamuu and Santana were asleep still, Kars and Esidisi were mostly likely asleep as well. Normally, Kars would be up trying to gather more information and Esidisi would be trying to brew coffee. By the stillness of the ground floor, it was safe to assume that they were asleep.

You peek into the living room and see Kars passed out on the couch with a book over his face. His chest rose and fell at an easy pace. You pick up the folded blanket on the back of the couch and drape it over him. He was reading One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest based on what you could see.

You slipped out of the living room and into the kitchen. You had a lot of work cut out for you today. Today would be the first Valentine's day that you and the Pillarmen would celebrate together and you wanted to make it special. You gathered the ingredients from the fridge and set them out on the counter, only to find you were missing some. It wasn't that big of a deal, you could always substitute some items.


Your plans went horribly wrong. Your substitutes were gone, the recipes were written wrong, everything went down the drain. Everything that could have gone wrong, went wrong. The only things that hadn't been ruined were the steaks you had bought for dinner. Presently, you were curled up on the kitchen floor among the disaster.

You heard the soft tapping of sandals on the hardwood floor. The floorboards moaned like someone had sat down on them.

"Why are you sleeping on the floor?" Esidisi asked, prying your hands away from your face. You looked at him with sad eyes.

"I wanted to do something nice for you all," you sniffled, "but I'm a failure and messed it up like I always do."

Esidisi scrunched up his face, "No you aren't."

"Yuh huh," you whined, "where did you even come from?"

Esidisi scooped you into his lap, "I was in your study and I came down the stairs and I smelled burning. I thought maybe Kars had set his hair on fire."

You shook your head, "I burned the things I was making for you all. I wanted to do something for your guys for Valentine's Day, but it just ended up a mess."

Esidisi raised a brow, "You decided to celebrate the death of a martyr by making us things? Is that some euphemism of being a martyr?"
You shook your head, "No-"

"Well, I appreciate the thought, but you don't have to go burning things just for us," Esidisi replied, messing with your hair, "Besides, we don't eat very much anyway."

Your refutes came out as mumbles and you hid in his chest. You two stayed like that for a few moments before someone else came thundering into the kitchen.

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