Okuyasu {New Kid}

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Deaf!Reader for @That_onepastel hope you like Okuyasu :D

You nervously tapped your foot as you sat in the counselors office at Budo-ga Oka highschool. You stared down at the floor and waited for your new schedule. Someone tapped you on the shoulder and thrust a piece of paper in your face. You looked up at them and meekly took the paper. They rolled their eyes and said something you couldn't quite make out. You tried to read their lips but they were talking much too fast. You just nodded and hoped they hadn't asked you something. They turned away and you got up from the stiff chair, stretching your back before you glanced down at your new schedule. The bell was supposed to ring in 5 minutes. Like a bell would do you any good. You folded the paper and shoved it in your pocket before heading to class. 

The day went as well as it could have. Being the new kid was always hard, and today was no exception. At least your teachers didn't make you stand in front of the class and introduce yourself. That was basically a death sentence. You did run into a couple of girls in your bio class who tried to talk to you, but when you showed them you were deaf they looked at each other and walked away. They returned with a little notebook and had written that you were welcome to talk to them with it. You ended up in their group for a lab and they were nice enough. Outside of that you didn't interact much with the other students. 

It was nearly 6th period when you got lost. You lasted a lot longer than you thought you would, really. You sighed and stared down at your schedule. 6th period, Literature, room 1106. You were standing outside of room 1314. You rolled your eyes and turned around, hoping you wouldn't be too late to class. Strolling down the hallway, you noticed people started to hurry into classrooms (or run to hide in bathrooms). Shit, the bell must have rung. 

You were pulled out of your thoughts with a hard push on your shoulder. You fell back with a thump and your books fell out of your arms. Fuck. You looked up to see a boy frantically collecting all of your papers. His face was red and he looked very shaken. He profusely apologized over and over, you could hardly read his lips with how fast he was talking. You tried to hold back a laugh. 

"It's alright," you signed. Worry faded from his face and was followed with surprise. 

"You sign?" He asked. 

"Yes. I'm deaf." 

"I'm learning," he eventually signed back after a moment of thought. 

"Oh! Could you help me real quick?" You held out your crumpled schedule to him. He took it and looked down the list of your classes. 

"I'm heading to literature too!" He pointed past you to the end of the hall. "It way back in the other building though. I was," he paused for a moment, "taking the long way." You shared a quick laugh and collected your things. He led you down the hallway and outside into the courtyard. You wondered how you managed to get so turned around. You were definitely going to be late. 

You made it to class two minutes late. Not enough to justify a tardy pass, according to your teacher. You appreciated it. Your new friend, however, was not so lucky. It seemed like he was regularly late. You ended up sitting next to him in class, purely because he was the only person you knew. You learned that his name was Okuyasu. He let you call him Oku for short. The class seemed to pass quicker next to him. Before you knew it, people started packing up. He caught your attention and passed you a note.

"The bell." You nodded and stuffed it in your pocket. You packed up your things and got ready to go when you felt a tap on your shoulder.

"Want to meet later? I could show you around." He smiled as he signed and was giddy as he waited for your response. 

"Sure! I think I'm free." He flashed a bright smile and waved goodbye as you headed to your final class. It passed much slower without him. You were excited to see him again after school, even if your plans were very last minute. You were mainly excited to have met someone who could also sign. You could gossip together in class. You spaced out during 7th, your mind focused on meeting with Okuyasu. Wait. He never told you where to meet him. Thinking back on it, he didn't seem like the most put together guy. But he was cute. 

You took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. He was pretty cute. You looked up at the clock. Seemed about time for the dismissal bell to ring. You packed up your things and waited for people to filter out of the room. You were the last to leave, still trying to decide on where you would wait for Oku. You eventually made your way to the middle of the courtyard, where you leaned on a tree and scanned the area. The school was actually very nice. The classrooms were neat and tidy and the campus was very open and inviting. You wondered if you'd have to seek him out or if he'd find you eventually. 

You didn't have to wait long until you saw Okuyasu jogging across the yard to your lone tree. He waved with a big smile. He looked like he was holding something. You waved back and laughed when he doubled over to catch his breath. 

"You alright?" He showed a shaky thumbs up. 

"Oh, I brought this for you!" He presented you with a small white flower. You took it and held it gently. It looked like he plucked it off one of the bushes around campus. 

"Thank you! It's so pretty." He mumbled something you could barely read as he turned away. "Just like you". You looked back down at the flower. "So, I've only seen a little bit of the school." 

"Oh yeah. Follow me, I'll show you around." He turned and headed toward the building you were just in. You followed patiently as he led you around the whole campus. He was surprisingly hilarious. He was very expressive and exaggerated everything he said. All of his sentences were punctuated with a million dollar smile. 

You finally made you way to the front of the school where your tour ended. You thanked him for the flower again and for showing you around. 

"Anytime." You looked down to check your watch. It had already been an hour. 

"Thanks again, but I should get going." You pointed over your shoulder towards the road. 

"Yeah, of course. Oh but before you go..." He paused in a moment of thought, "Would you like to be friends. You couldn't help but laugh at his dorky smile. He looked so hopeful. There was no way you could say no to him. 

"Yes!" He giggled and gave you an exaggerated salute as he walked away. You were definitely excited to see him again tomorrow. 

Throwback to when I just didn't wanna talk as a kid so I would sign. Sadly I forgot ASl so :// But I'm trying to relearn :) Hope you guys enjoyed!! <3


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