Joseph {Teasing}

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Misterr Joesturr

You flipped another page, completely engrossed in your new book. You hummed lightly as the evening light faded around you. You leaned back into your boyfriend's chest as the two of you sat on your sofa. He let out a sigh and placed his hands over yours, closing your book. He placed his chin on top of your head and groaned. 

"(Y/N)." You rolled your eyes and leaned further into his chest. 

"I was reading that you know." You couldn't believe Joseph sometimes. You had just gotten back from a long day and you just wanted some cuddles and reading time. 

"That's all you do though," he whined, wrapping his arms around you and hugging you tight. He moved his head to the crook of your neck and nibbled at the spot right below your ear. "Hey," he whispered into your ear. "Why don't we have a little fun?" His sultry voice made you shiver. You pushed yourself away and shifted in his lap to face him, you felt his body stiffen as you moved in his lap. He looked down at you with a sly grin and you could feel your face warm up. 

You scoffed and tugged at his hair, getting a low whimper from the boy. You looked into his eyes, his beautiful green eyes, and saw that they were clouded with passion. He pursed his lips slightly and his hands wandered to your hips. He was being serious. It wasn't that you didn't want to, to be completely honest you kinda did, it just took you by surprise. 

"J-Joseph?"  You struggled out of his grip and stood up, taking your book with you. "Fuck that," you said, walking around the couch to the back of your small flat. 

"How about fuck me instead?" He asked in a cheeky tone. He turned around and leaned over the back of the couch, grabbing your waist and pulling you closer. You turned and hit him on the head with your book before walking away. 

"Maybe later," you mumbled as he started to protest. You glanced over your shoulder and saw a stupid grin on his bright red face. God, he was so easy to tease; you loved it. You would definitely have to tease him more later. You couldn't wait. 


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