Kars & Esidisi {Cleanliness}

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The large serpent opened its mouth, poised to strike at any moment. You stared into the beast's deep purple eyes. Toxins dripped from its fangs, making you scoot away. As you inched further from the creature, it slowly followed. You didn't dare take your gaze from its own. If you looked away for even a moment, the creature would kill you. A sudden noise made you jump, yet you were still able to maintain eye contact. You continue to move back until your back hits a wall. The serpent lets out a hiss. It almost sounded like a laugh. You grit your teeth. Shit. The serpent still approaches. You whimper. Was there any way you could get out of here?


You wake up in a cold sweat, gasping for air. A firm, calloused hand shoots out and grips your forearm, preventing you from moving. You turn to your left to see the set of deep violet eyes that you despised so much. He gives you a venomous glare. A warm chuckle comes from your right.

"Having trouble sleeping?" Esidisi asks, gently pulling you back down into the bed. The only noise that came out of your mouth was a squeak. Esidisi chuckles gently. Kars lets go of your arm.

Despite your bitter feelings for Kars, your hand intertwined itself with his. Perhaps you had finally accepted your fate. Maybe it wouldn't be as bad if you just acknowledged that you were theirs.

Your other hand intertwined with Esidisi's. Their hands were so large and strong while yours were frail. Your hands fit snugly within theirs.

Esidisi lifted your hand to his lips and planted kisses all over it. Kars, on the other hand, merely squeezed your hand. The rational part of you told you that this was wrong. Why were you falling for the people that had stolen you away from your normal life? The dreamer part of you told you that it was okay. You had never received this much affection and attention in your life, it reasoned, so why not indulge yourself? They both clearly loved you. Kars' deep voice interrupted you from your internal turmoil.

"We need to bathe you again," he murmured. Wait, again? When did they bathe you the first time? Esidisi groaned softly and got out of the bed, followed by Kars soon after. Your stomach violently twisted into a knot. Did that mean that they were going to bathe with you?


You sat alone on the bed for a good five minutes before Esidisi came back. He greeted you with a warm smile and picked you up like you were nothing. You didn't struggle in his arms, quite the opposite. You nestled comfortably in his hold, relishing in the feeling of his warm skin against your own.

He led you through the dark corridors of the dilapidated hotel. The only light source was the moon's beams that filtered in through the cracks in the boarded up windows. You shut your eyes and listen to the soft clicking of Esidisi's sandals on the ruined rugs.


Esidisi brought you to a different place than where they used to wash you. Normally, they would bring you to one of the lesser rooms and hose you down just so that you were clean. Esidisi set you down outside of the door.

"If Kars tries anything, yell. I'll come and save you," he cooed. You give him a meek smile and open the door.

Instead of just moonlight, there were multiple candles that were lit. They illuminated the room with a soft, orange glow. Kars was standing next to a bath tub full of water. You wondered for a moment where they got the water. Kars motioned for you to come closer. You did, somewhat reluctantly.

"Strip," he commanded. You gulped. You don't make any move to remove your clothes. Instead, you stand awkwardly in front of him. Kars sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. He turns around and crosses his arms in front of his chest.

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