Kars & Esidisi {Adoration}

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Whoops my hand slipped. Here, have some Yandere Kars n' Disi


You didn't know how long you'd been here. Three months? Four? You lost track after the second week. Those, those monsters had taken you from your home. You stopped caring after a while. All of your tears had dried up a long time ago. You couldn't feel much of anything anymore.

You sat curled up in the corner of this shitty little room. It smelled horrible, much like yourself. You couldn't remember the last time they bathed you, but it wasn't recently. There was nothing in the room except a small cot for you to sleep on. Even that wasn't much of a comfort.

It was about time for them to come in. They always came to see you at the same time. It was like clockwork. They would come in, torment you physically or psychologically, and then leave. A few hours later, the third man would come by and feed you, making sure you ate all of the food. He didn't care for you like the other two did. If anything, he pitied you. He pitied you because you caught the obsessive eyes of his masters.

Ah, here they come. You can hear the old wooden door creak open. Light filters in the room, making you flinch at the sudden brightness. Their footsteps echo throughout the room. You curl up tighter. What did they have in store for you today?

You heard one of them crouch down in front of you. He places his large hand on your small knee.

"Human," he coos, sickeningly sweet. It was the one with the nose piercing. You recognized their voices just by the pitch. "Stand," he commanded, "we have a proposition for you." You shift away from him.

Suddenly, you are yanked to your feet by the one with the nose piercing. You struggle to stand up. The other man clears his throat, as if he was scolding the other man.

"Esidisi," he hisses, "do not be so rough with our human." Esidisi(although you hated to say his name) let out a huff.

Kars saunters over to you. He takes your jaw in his hand, forcing you to look up at him.

"Listen well, human," Kars growls, "we have decided to give you a chance for freedom."

You shudder at the thought. Were they really letting you go?

"However," he continues, "we must lay down some rules. We will give you twenty five minutes to make as much distance between us as possible. After those twenty five minutes are up, you are free game."

Kars released his hold on your jaw. You swallow thickly.

"Well, run along then," Esidisi says, cockily. You hesitate for a moment. You look between the two. Esidisi wore a smug smile, and Kars still held his stoic demeanor. Then, you pushed past them both and broke out into a full sprint. You hear them both chuckle.


Your legs ached and wobbled, but that did not deter you. You sprinted down the hallway. The establishment was unfamiliar, but that didn't matter. You were just trying to find some form of exit.

The soft pitter patter of your feet echoed through the hallways. Nothing mattered except getting out of here.


You found the main stairwell after a few minutes. You bolted down the steps. The front door was so close. So, so close.

You pushed on the door, only to find that it was jammed. There was something preventing you from leaving.

"Come on, come on!" You shout, pulling on the handle. It was no use. You let out a cry of anguish. There must be another way to get out. You look at the window. Suddenly, you're hit with an idea.

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