Esidisi {First Impressions}

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A/N: I went through my phone and found a few stories that I haven't posted yet so expect a small spam.  Ah, also, you're pretty short in this one, around 5'2" - 5'4". Esidisi is about 6'7". 

 Dust kicked up into small clouds as you ran through the empty corridor. Your footsteps barely echoed on the cold stone as the pads of your feet rolled off the ground. You kept your breaths quiet and controlled, careful not to be loud. Your legs ached and burned from running but you didn't stop, you couldn't.

Suddenly you were facing a large stone wall. It was a dead end, you were done for. There was a tiny opening in a corner, just big enough for a small child to fit in. It was much too small for you, but you tried to squeeze against the crack, hoping you could at least hide. You heard footsteps coming towards you and knew yo were running out of time. The footsteps grew nearer and you nearly lost control of your breathing. You huddled in a corner, trying to be as small as possible. You turned your back to the corridor and the footsteps stopped. They continued, slowly.

They were about ten feet away, nine, eight. Soon you could hear soft humming from behind you. Seven, six, five. You knew it could see you. You had nothing left, this was where you were going to die. Four, three, two. One.

The humming stopped. The silence was thick enough to cut as you choked back a sob. You stopped breathing and held your knees tightly to your chest. You heard it move and felt a large hand on your side. You took a sharp breath as another held you from your other side. You were picked up like a limp doll. The arms that held you were strong yet gentle, like the owner was scared you could break. You dared not breathe or make a single sound. It placed you back on the ground and made you stand. Your legs shook, barely supporting you. You were turned by a strong grip on your shoulder and faced your pursuer.

It was a man. He was large with lots of muscle and at least six feet tall. His body was defined by sharp angles and deep grooves. He crouched before you and looked into your eyes. His face was like a sculpture, masterfully carved to the very last angle. His eyes were cold and piercing. He wore a headdress of orange and purple with large stones in the middle. His face was marked with an orange X, like a railway crossing sign. His gray hair stuck out behind him like a stray cloud. His eyes showed curiosity but we're still slightly hostile. You tried to back away but you were paralyzed by fear.

He mumbled something under his breath as you cowered beneath his gaze. You gasped as he placed a rough hand on your jaw. He rubbed your cheek with his thumb, his eyes narrowed as he stared at you. You could feel him reading you with his piercing glare. 

"You're just a child," he mused, "But why are you so small?" You felt tears well up in your eyes. He pulled his hand away quickly as you began to cry, as if you had somehow burned him. Before you could fall to your knees, he held you gingerly by your waist. He stood at his full height, pulling you up with him. You simply stretched out like a cat (become one with the noodle) and hung limply in his arms. He held you at eye level and watched as you continued to cry without making a sound. "Why do you cry?" he asked abruptly. You looked up at him, meeting his blue eyes. You simply shook your head, not being able to produce words. He frowned and readjusted you in his arms so that he held you bridal style. 

He walked with you for a while as your tears slowly ceased. He glanced down at you with curiosity and slight disdain. "You are a curious little thing," he said softly as he turned another corner. He walked in silence for a minute before asking, "Can't you speak?" You had so many questions you wanted to ask but your voice would not cooperate. You sighed and shook your head 'no'.  He pursed his lips and looked ahead. He shifted you in his arms so that you further leaned against him. You were tired and all of your muscles ached, so you decided to take advantage of his heat and the rhythm of his walking as you drifted to sleep against his chest. 

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