Esidisi {Peace}

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You strolled through the tall grass, your mind in fifty different places. You usually came out here to clear your thoughts, but your favorite field had lost its magic. You sighed and lazily picked at the edges of the blades.  

"Someone looks tired," Esidisi teased. You looked up to see him standing in the shade of a lonely tree that stuck up like an island in a green sea.  

"Not really," you mumbled. You slowly made your way to the tree where he was waiting patiently. Once you were finally within his reach, he held out his hand and gave you a warm smile. You knew what that meant. You placed your hand in his and twirled out to the side before he pulled you back into his arms. You hugged his shoulders as he wrapped his arm firmly around your waist, his other hand cradling the base of your neck. You returned his sweet smile as he gently lowered you. He leaned in for a kiss but paused, his lips barely brushing yours.

He pulled away, the ghost of a kiss still tingling on your lips. He pulled you back up and wrapped his arms around you in a tight embrace.

"Mi Cielo, what troubles you?" He asked softly. You frowned and took a deep breath. 

"Nothing you need to concern yourself with. I just needed to clear my head." 

"We're in this together, darling. Tell me," he said, letting you out of his arms. You could hear the sincerity in his voice and decided it might be better to tell him. 

"I just need some quiet but every time I seem to find some peace I can't stop thinking. It's so back and forth I just need a break." He nodded and gave you a light kiss on your cheek. 

"I understand," he kissed your other cheek, "I may not be able to help, but I have an idea." You let out the breath you didn't realize you were holding. Those were the words you wanted to hear. I understand. Those two words. Esidisi rubbed your shoulder, his rough hands warm against your skin. 

"That's never good," you joked, your voice but a whisper. He smiled and laughed half-heartedly.  He placed his hand on your jaw, lightly stroking your cheek. He took your hand in his and led you through the field and up a hill. Soon enough, you found yourself in an unfamiliar area. 


"Shh, just watch." He found a patch of shorter grass and sat down, gesturing for you to sit beside you. You sat with your knees pulled to your chest and looked at him curiously. He laid back, his arms crossed behind his head. He turned to you with an easy smile. You laid out and stared up at the sky, the clouds rolling past at a lazy pace. "Just watch the clouds and let everything else fade away."

His soft voice was comforting. You followed his advice, watching the clouds leisurely pass by. You took a deep breath and blocked everything out but the flow of the clouds and the sound of Esidisi's steady breaths. 

"Esidisi?" You heard a soft grunt in response. "Think we can dance again tonight?" You asked, reminiscing about the nights when you would sneak into Esidisi's chambers to dance the night away. Sometimes the two of you would steal away in the night to dance through the very field you were laying in. Maybe that's what made this place so special to you. 

"Of course, mi Reina."  You smiled contentedly and stared back up at the sky, finally finding the peace you had searched so hard to find. 

A/N: Anyone else here Love dancing? 


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