Kars {Mistakes}

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Sad anxious bb makes a mistake, Kars tells her that it's okay

You walked meekly out of the armory, your mind racing, yelling at you to go and hide before Kars found you. You were told not to go in there, but your curiosity had gotten the better of you. And so had your clumsiness. You simply wanted to train with Wamuu. You trained with him regularly but without weapons. So when he left to practice you decided you would find a weapon you liked and join him. 

You had walked around the room in awe, staring at all of the weapons that lined the walls. They had everything from maces to giant war hammers to tiny daggers the size of your finger. But what caught your eye was a large silver trident. It shone like it was made of a thousand lightning bugs in the light of your torch. You reached for it, wrapped your hand around the grip, and knocked it into the stand of spears beside it. In all of the chaos, you earned a nasty gash on your thigh and emerged from a pile of spears, tridents, and several other things you didn't recognize bloodied and scared. The crash was so loud you were sure that everyone in the temple had heard it. 

You whimpered and pressed a hand to your cut. It wasn't that bad but it stung a little. At least your small shift covered it so you wouldn't get in trouble for that as well. Tears burned your eyes as you heard footsteps at the end of the dark corridor. You were already mentally preparing your apology speech to Kars but it was hard with so many thoughts swimming in your head. As the footsteps quickened, so did your breathing. 

You fell to your knees and began to beg, "Master Kars, please I'm so sorry I know I disobeyed you I should never have gone in there. I made a mistake please forgive me I'm sorry-"

"Y/N," instead of hitting you as you had anticipated, he kneeled before you and pulled your hands into his, "Are you alright?" He stood, pulling you up with him. You looked up into his violet eyes, they seemed to glow with something you couldn't recognize. 

"I- well, my-" He lifted your shift and examined the cut on your leg. 

"How did this happen? Did you fall? I heard it all the way from my study." He frowned and stood to his full height, which was Much taller than you. It scared you a little. 

"I was trying to- I wanted-" You couldn't finish what you were trying to say. You keep stumbling over your words. "T-the trident and-" 

"Shh. You can tell me once I fix this." He considered you for a moment before turning and starting towards his solar. You followed quietly behind. On the way to his study, he ordered a couple of his vampires to clean up the mess you had made. That only made you feel worse. As you finally turned into his private study you felt tears roll down your cheeks. 

He gingerly picked you up and placed you on his desk, wiping the tears from your cheek with a calloused hand. 

"It wasn't your fault," he cooed. He moved around the room, pulling things from boxes and picking up small jars. But it was? It was entirely your fault!  You opened your mouth to protest but no sound came out. "It should have been better organized. It was a simple mistake, even one Wamuu has made many times."

"You lie," you managed to squeak out. He set down all of his things beside you and placed two firm hands on your thighs, being careful not to press on your wound. 

"I am many things, but I have never been a lair. Ask Wamuu, he can tell you himself. Once he almost took his arm off trying to grab an ax." He calmly told you of the many times his companions had made silly mistakes as he cleaned your wound. It almost took away the sting of whatever he poured in your cut. "Esidisi once burned himself as well. He boasted that no fire could hurt him and I proved him wrong. A stubborn thing, his pride is. He sobbed for a day and claimed that I had cheated and used some sorcery to hurt him." By the time he had finished his stories your wound was cleaned and dressed and you already felt better. But that still didn't get rid of the angry coil of anxiety wriggling in your chest. 

"Master Kars, why are you being kind to me? Don't you mean to punish me? Haven't I angered you?"

"You have, actually." Suddenly the fear that was hidden in your chest set off sirens in your head. Why did you say that? Now he was just going to hurt you. "It infuriates me that such a fine specimen as yourself was cursed to be so ungraceful. I do wish you would take better care so as not to hurt yourself. It pains me to see such ugly blemishes on your fine (s/t) skin." He took your hand in his. "However I do find it ridiculous that you would ever think I would hurt you. I have done nothing but care for you." 

"K-kars I was just scared, I didn't mean it. I thought-" You looked down, not daring to meet his gaze. 

"You have no reason to fear me. But I do believe that you should have a healthy fear of spears from now on," he laughed. A precious sound. You loved the sound of his laugh. He smiled down at you, another thing that you found precious, and brushed your cheek once more. "I have never loved humans. Inferior, disgusting creatures. Yet I think of you as my own child. It's quite curious, but you have carved a place for yourself in the heart Esidisi claims I don't have."

You were stunned. You had no idea what to say. Tears stained your cheeks once more and this time you didn't try to stop them. Kars wrapped his arms around you and you sobbed into his chest. After a few minutes, you heard his quiet voice.  

"I will always protect you, (Y/N)."

A/N: For this, I just thought of the time I knocked over all of the trombones trying to grab my instrument lol. I decided to throw in a bonus since Y'all are so awesome <3 Also, I'm leaving in all of the notes I made to myself when I made these drafts, you know, for comedy. 


You approached the Violet haired pillarman with your hands on your hips. You reached up on the tips of your toes and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. He looked down at you with disdain.

"What was that?" He asked in a gruff voice.


"Disgusting." Discouraged, you shrink back down and crossed your arms. "Do it again." You reached up again and he wrapped his arms around your waist, picking you up so you didn't have to reach. You caught Kars in a quick kiss before pulling away. His scarlet eyes burned into yours. You couldn't help but laugh.

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