{After All This Time}

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owo whats this ?

You strolled through the baggage claim, up the escalator and through the sea of people waiting in lines to buy tickets or check their luggage. You fiddled with the edge of your shirt, your backpack heavy on your shoulders. You didn't know if you were anxious or excited, probably both. It was always this way whenever you had a big trip. You had been flying alone for a while, but this was different. You wouldn't be seeing family. You'd be seeing her. You were giddy with the thought of seeing her. You picked up your pace, a new spring in your step as you walked through the security line.

Finally past security and free of the agonizingly slow lines, you briskly made your way to your gate. It was on the far side of the airport, so you had a ways to go. Even though you'd left home early, you had a few delays. There was only 30 minutes until departure. You checked the ticket for the gate number once more and made your way over, not stopping for anything on the way. This was the closest you'd ever been to missing a flight. The only thing on your mind was her, you had to reach her. If you missed this flight... That wouldn't happen.

You finally reached the gate, doubled over and panting. You'd seen people run through airports before, and made fun of them, but you never thought you'd do the same. You walked up to the desk and slapped your envelope on the table, flashing your wristband to the attendant.

"Flying alone, minor. Sorry I'm late." He laughed and picked up the envelope, inspecting the ticket inside.

"It happens to the best of us. You're right on time really, we're just about to start boarding. Why don't you go ahead and find a nice seat."

"I've never been first class before," you wondered aloud.

"You know what I meant. Get going before the angry moms start showing up." He flashed you one last smile as he scanned your wristband and you walked into the tunnel. The anxiety seemed to wash away when you stepped into the beige boarding tunnel, as if you had walked under a waterfall. This was your place, odd as it was, it was always comforting. No matter whether you were coming or going, the beige walls, black ridges in the floor, the sounds of suitcases rolling on the hard plastic, you loved it all. It was over soon when you reached the door.

"There's our solo-flyer!" You were greeted by an excited attendant, she seemed new.

"The one and only." She smiled and led you through the cabin, making light conversation and asking about your trip.

"Alright, seat 38A. If you need anything just press this button. Or just yell, I'll be right back here."

"Got it! Thank you." She smiled and walked back into the attendant station while you tossed your backpack into the overhead bin. This will be a long flight.

You watched as the plane filled with people. A cute old couple, a few rowdy teenagers (that quieted down after a scolding and a pair of headphones), and a surprisingly small number of babies. Still, it was way too many babies. The best number was 0. The two seats beside you were filled by a professional looking man and a stout little woman. Good company, you guessed. At some point the woman left for an empty seat near her family. Good for her. As everything calmed down and people stopped moving the pilot made his announcement and you were off.

The man you shared your flight with was quiet for the most part, but very sweet. When the woman left, he moved to the center seat (after asking if that was okay, of course). He was very tall and had a warm bronze complexion. His smile was contagious. He seemed like some sort of performer or politician. You had idle conversation as the plane climbed through the clouds. You talked about high school, business, and music. His face lit up when you mentioned your instrument.

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