Wamuu {Sensitivity}

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Choc2015 requested a Wamuu fluff like a month ago, whoops.  Well, here it is, enjoy!





The soft, deep voice broke you out of your comatose-like state. You brushed your fingers along the concrete. How did you end up on the ground?

"My apologies, human. I mistakenly struck you when you had trod upon the depth of my shadow," the same deep voice said. You furrow your eyebrows. What was he even talking about?

"Whatever do you mean?" You asked, "I have no recollection of this."

The male chuckles warmly.

"I hope that I didn't hit you too hard," He says, "It is not in my preference to have harmed a woman."

You placed your hand to your chin, trying to remember what happened. Maybe he had knocked your memory out as well.

"How long have I been here? Has it been long?" You ask, feeling around for your probing cane.

"About twenty minutes at the minimum," He admitted, "What are you doing, human?"

You began to feel around for your cane. Where had it gone? Without it, you wouldn't be able to survive! A wave of anxiousness rippled through your body.

"Where is my cane?!" You frantically exclaim. You felt behind, in front, and next to your body.

"Cane? Do you mean this apparatus?" The man questions. You turn your head in the man's direction. He was probably holding it out in front of you. Did he still not catch on to the fact that you couldn't see? You reached out in front of you, grasping at the air. Eventually, your hands bumped his own. They were rough and calloused, yet they were also smooth. He must have worked out a lot, only body builders had hands like that. You gingerly take the folded cane from his hands.

"Thank you, I would be lost without it," you say, bowing your head slightly. You unfold the cane to its full length. "Who do I owe this misfortune and blessing to?" You ask, pushing yourself up with the probing cane. The man chuckles again.

"I am called Wamuu, human," he says. You hear the rustle of clothes. He must have stood up, too.

You hold your hand out in front of you.

"May I touch your face?" You question, "I'd like to know what you look like." Wamuu chuckles once more.

"You may."

You reach out to touch where you thought his face would be, only to touch his neck. Whoops. You giggle quietly, moving your hand up to his face. Well, he was certainly tall.

You gently feel around his jaw. It was very chiseled and strong. Your fingers travel up to his cheek bones, which were relatively high. You accidentally bump into his earrings. You trace back down to his chin, then going up to his lips. They felt very soft and plump. There was a piercing on the left side of his lips. You continue to move up his face. Wamuu's nose was very prominent, and his eyebrows even more so. You smile to yourself. He was certainly handsome. You remove your hands from his face.

"Thank you, Wamuu" You giggle.

"Do you need assistance back home?" Wamuu asks, concerned. You shake your head.

"No, thank you for the offer, though. I think I should be fine as long as no more strange men accidentally hit me," You joke.

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