Diego {Master} *TW*

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Demon Diego AU oop- **Also, quick TRIGGER WARNING guys there will be guns, murder, blood, self-harm, and excessive violence in this fic** 

You wore a shroud of darkness as you stepped into the cold, decrepit building. You shivered, your intentions here making it colder. Eventually, you found a large room that would be suitable for your deed. You set your small backpack on the ground and rummaged through it. You prepared the room, painting the floor and creating a large circle around your work space. You worked from the outside in, setting candles and various items within the circle. Finally, you laid your sacred cloth and checked the room one last time. Tonight was the night. 

Nothing happened after your first try. Perhaps you hadn't cut deep enough or brought the wrong things. You checked your books once more. No, everything was perfect. You arrived upon the witching hour under a black moon and had all of the proper supplies. Your blood was clean and your blade was charged and sharp. You groaned in frustration and pressed a cloth to your bleeding wound. You would simply have to try again. 

After a failed second attempt, you considered abandoning your craft. Were you so incompetent you couldn't even summon your one love? You screamed and slammed your fists onto the ground, disturbing the goblet you had emptied your blood into. The golden cup wobbled and fell onto its side, spilling out over your ritual cloth. 

"Oh fuck, oh fuck," you muttered. You scrambled to pick it up when you felt an incredibly strong gust of wind. It knocked you back and you staggered to lean against the wall, your breath gone. 

You were forced to your knees, the cold ground biting through your skin. You let out a yelp as your chin was forced upward. A large hand wrapped around your throat, sharp nails digging into your skin. It was hot to the touch and brought tears to your eyes. You tried to choke out a plea but found that your voice was gone. Standing before you was the one and only, Diego Brando. The infamous king of thieves who, when he was sent to hell, overthrew the lower demons and became a king of the second realm of hell. The demon you were so in love with. 

"How did something as small as you drag me from my throne to this dump?" He demanded. He lifted you by your throat to inspect your small body. You struggled against his grip, grabbing and clawing at his hand. "Ah, my apologies. I forgot how weak you were." He spat his words as he tossed you to the ground. You curled up on the floor, wheezing and coughing. When you finally gained the strength you tried to sit up on your knees. 

"Lord Brando, I have worshiped you for-"

"Oh, I know you now. What a devout little thing. I never though you would pull such a stunt as this."

"M-my lord, I wanted to speak with you. I love you." It took all of your courage to muster those words. His fiery aura brightened and he raised a brow. 

"This is an interesting development."

"Lord Brando, I would do anything for you. I have followed you for so long I will do anything you ask of me," you stumbled over your words. 

"Very flattering, but what do you have to gain from this?" You looked up at the floor for a moment, gathering strength. 

"I simply want your love."

"My love?" He let out a monstrous cackle. He looked down at you incredulously. "You're serious."

"I live to serve you." He turned away from you and paced the room. He returned quickly and grabbed you with both hands, raising you to eye level. 

"You're an interesting little thing. You would do anything for my love?" You nodded as best as you could as you trembled in his grasp. He put emphasis on the word anything, but it was true, you would do whatever he asked of you. 

"Lord Brando, please, let me serve you," you begged piteously. He gently set you onto the ground and caressed your jaw. 

"I think I have your first task. This will prove whether you truly as devoted as you say." You tried to mutter a "please" but you were too weak.  

"There is a man I wish to eliminate. His name is Johnny Joestar, he travels with a rather obnoxious companion. However, Johnny is your only target. Bring him to me cold." You nodded and he gave you a little pat on the cheek. 

"Johnny Joestar," you repeated the name and he gave you a quick nod of approval. 

"Do you understand, Mortal?"

"Y-yes, yes my lord!" Your body trembled. Energy surged through the small room, you could feel Diego's power all around your body. 

"You will call me master." His voice seemed to echo as thick smoke filled the room. You felt something on your cheek, not a hand but perhaps lips as he disappeared. You felt incredibly weak as your little remaining energy seeped out. You staggered to the wall where you slumped down against the floor. You placed your hand on your cheek and fell asleep. 


Part 2 will be up soon! I would leave this in drafts until I completely finish it but I'm just too excited to publish it!!!! Heavily inspired by one of my favorite Manson songs :33


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