Rohan {Trouble}

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A/N: It's High Noon!!! (a.k.a random ooc update time) Have some more Rohan and spinny chairs

You waited expectantly for your mangaka to return home as you idled about his study. You picked up a few books here and there but none piqued your interest. You sat down in his chair and, to your pleasant surprise, it spun. You spun around and around in circles until your head hurt, having nothing better to do.

Soon enough, you heard the front door open and close as Rohan finally returned home. You turned the chair towards the desk and shrunk down against the back, trying to conceal yourself in the seat. His footsteps approached the study as you waited patiently. He opened the door and you turned a bit quicker than you had anticipated to.

"I've been expecting y-" You tried to stop yourself when the chair turned to far but instead ended up falling out of it. "Shit!" You caught yourself on your wrist as you tried to brace the fall. Pain shot up your arm and you sat up to nurse it.

"Were you trying to surprise me?" Rohan appeared at your side and helped you up.

"I guess," you answered quietly, embarrassed by what had just happened.

"It was quite a surprise I guess," he paused, "and very amusing." You scoffed.

"Thanks man," you said quietly as you pouted.

"No problem," he replied simply as he fixed his chair and sat at his desk. You slowly walked up behind him as he began to work, looking at some photos he had taken while he was out. You gave him a quick hug and started for the door. He turned and took your hand, stopping you dead in your tracks.

"Try not to get into to much trouble," he said in an exasperated tone.

"Oh I don't have to try, don't you worry." You replied cheekily as you bounced away from him.

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