Kars {Safety 2}

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The god led you through the forest, his heavy cloak wrapped around you. You held his hand tightly as you weaved through trees and crossed ravines. You turned out of the woods and into a large clearing. A massive temple stood before you, the stone weathered and stained. You stopped and he turned back to face you. 

"Little one, what is the matter?" He asked surprisingly tenderly. He crouched before you and placed his hand on your cheek.

"Do we have to go there?"

"(Y/N), there is no reason to be scared. I will keep you safe here." You nodded as he stood, continuing towards the temple. 


You followed Kars through the dark halls, the dust floating in the air making you sneeze. Every now and then he would look back at you and sometimes adjust the cloak he had draped over your shoulders. The corridors twisted and turned, they seemed to go on forever. Finally he brought you to a large hall. You glanced inside and saw three others sitting around a long table. You recognized each of them from the tall, white statues that lined that walls of the sept. You had always thought of them as unreal, beings too holy to walk the same place you did. They were untouchable, yet here you stood, holding Kars's hand. 

He pulled away and walked into the room, signaling for you to wait a moment before entering. You gladly waited behind, scared to meet the other gods. You wondered why he had even taken you in the first place. Why would the monsters come back for me? A few minutes passed as he spoke with the other gods but it felt like it had only been a few seconds when you heard the question, "Well, do we get to see them?"

You didn't recognize the voice, but it was different from Kars's. You shivered and stepped back a few paces. Part of you wanted to sprint back down the hallway and out of the temple, but you were completely lost. You really missed your mother. Tears welled in your eyes. 

One of the gods appeared in the doorway. He had orange hair. It was so unusual it made you laugh a little, which made him smile. He crouched down and offered you something. It was a red apple, just like the one you had lost earlier.

"I'm Santana," he said sweetly. He brushed your tears away with his other hand. "It has been so long, (Y/N)." 

"Santana," you whispered. He nodded and pressed the apple into your hand. 

"Let's not keep the others waiting." He smiled and led you into the room. Kars was seated at the round table, the god at his side was very tall and had an odd orange tattoo on his face. It looked like a big X, and he had big hoops that looked like your Tía Isabella's. The one next to him looked a lot younger. He almost looked like Santana but he had a red boxy tattoo and a big headdress. His green eyes reminded you of your brothers. You began to sob, wiping your face to get rid of the tears. Santana was alarmed, he had no idea what to do. He had never seen such a small being cry so hard before. Wamuu looked at Esidisi, who turned to Kars. The last god simply frowned. 

Santana pulled you into an uneasy hug, wrapping his arms around your small frame. He whispered reassurances as he played with your short (H/C) hair.

"Don't drop your apple," he cooed. You giggled and returned the hug. 

When he finally pulled away you were smiling once again. Santana looked at you with an affectionate grin and turned back to Kars who gave him and slight nod.  Kars turned to the two other gods. 

"Meet (Y/N)."

"She's definitely something," The one with the X-tattoo said. He grinned down at you curiously. 

"(Y/N), meet Esidisi and Wamuu," Santana introduced you to the other gods, pointing first to the one next to Kars then to the one beside him.

"Wamuu?" It seemed like an odd name, but you'd get used to it. 

"You'll learn over time (Y/N)," Kars said, "After all, you'll be living here now."

"We've missed you," Esidisi added. What? How did they know you, you had lived in the village your whole life. This was your first time ever even leaving the village. He must've seen your confusion because he laughed and leaned forwards. "It's alright if you don't remember. What matters is that you're safe now. We're your family now." 

"But," you began, "Okay." Santana gave you another quick hug and watched Kars for new instructions. So much had happened in just a day. You had an entirely new family of strangers. Of gods. It was merely a few hours ago when you kneeled in the Sept presenting a stone Kars with your weekly sacrifice. 

"Now let's get you settled in."

A/N: Haha I didn't answer any questions lmao. Love my stupid cliff hangers *cough*Don't hate me I got it from Uncle Rick*cough*


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