Kakyoin {Mochi}

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A/N: AU where cherry boy survived and beat the shit out of DIO bc that's all we really want :,(

You walked home from work slowly as dawn overtook the sky. You worked at a friend's barbecue restaurant around the corner from a new ice cream bar, so you decided to pop in and get a treat. In your hands was a small, delicately folded box filled with your favorite mochi. The shop didn't have cherry, so you compromised and bought some cherry ice cream instead. You had bought the ice cream on your way to your boyfriend Kakyoin's apartment. You were still quite disappointed that they didn't have cherry mochi, as you knew how much he loved both things. 

"Kaaaakyoooin," you called as you walked into the spacious apartment. You hung up your keys and turned into the living room. You set down the box and looked around for the boy you loved so much. As you searched the room, you glanced at the couch. In a mess of blankets, you saw his cherry red hair and the collar of his green gakuran. You had told him so many times not to sleep in his gakuran. At least he had taken his glasses off. You moved to shake him awake but you couldn't, he looked so peaceful. His hair noodle gracefully cascaded over his prominent features, the scars on his eyes barely visible in the fading light. You loved him so much. You sighed and picked up the box, walking into the kitchen to put the ice cream in the freezer. 

You heard a soft, "(Y/N)" from the room behind you. 

"Ah, Kakyoin, you're awake."

"I am now," he said in the same tired voice. You returned to the couch and sat down by his feet. You leaned over and brushed his hair noodle out of his face as he rolled over to face you. "What's that?" He asked as he sat up. 

"I brought you ice cream," you replied in a sing-song voice. He closed his eyes and hummed softly as he stretched. He subtly reached for the box that was still in your hands. "No! Aren't you going to say thank you, because you love me so much?" He smiled and laughed quietly, eyes still closed and still in his stretching position. "Well?" You demanded.

"Thank you (Y/N)," he hummed quietly. He opened his eyes and glanced up at you. You gave him an expectant expression. "I love you."

"Ha, you better," you said while opening the box. You took out a small cup made out of a waffle full of cherry ice cream. Kakyoin reached for the ice cream, smiling sleepily. You slapped away his hand and pulled out some spoons from the box. You looked into his eyes as you took a bite of the cold desert. He took a dramatic pose and gasped. You took another spoonful of ice cream and put it in his mouth. He smiled and took the spoon, reached over and taking the waffle bowl while you weren't paying attention. 

"This is good, where did you get it?" He asked after a few bites. 

"A new  ice cream bar opened down the street from work." He replied with a simple hum and continued eating his ice cream. You picked up a piece of the small mochi and put the whole thing in your mouth, grinning at Kakyoin. He smirked and kicked you from under the blankets. You turned and kicked off your shoes before curling up on the couch opposite your boyfriend. He gave you a soft expression and took a bite of the waffle. 

The two of you ate together in silence as all light left the room. You looked up and saw that Kakyoin had finished his ice cream and was watching you with his eyes almost closed. 

"Can I help you?" You asked. Your voice was muffled by a mouthful of mochi; a little bit of the sweet stuck out of your mouth. The boy across from you smiled and you swear you saw a light pink crawl across his cheeks. He looked at you lovingly before leaning in and stealing a quick kiss. You opened your mouth slightly in surprise and he took a small piece of the desert. He leaned back with a smug grin as he pressed a finger to his bottom lip. 

"It's good, what flavor?" He asked casually. You felt your cheeks heat up and finished the desert.


"Of course," he replied, almost too quiet for you to hear. You looked at him suspiciously and finished the last piece. He still had his finger on his bottom lip. He had his signature look of contemplation. His eyes slowly closed and he leaned against the back of the couch. He smiled faintly as his breaths became shallow. You watched his eyelashes flutter against his cheeks as he fell asleep. Without any caution, you pulled the blanket off of him and forced his legs apart. You crawled between his legs and snuggled into his chest. His eyes opened slightly and he gave you a light kiss on your head. You pulled the blanket back up and drifted to sleep, playing with your beloved boyfriend's hair noodle. 

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