Giorno {Sunflower Eyes}

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A soft quiet settled over the small Italian home, the sun finding rest below the horizon. A sky of ink was lit up with hundreds of stars like the lightning bugs that filled the yard. Small lights string from post to post decorated the small patio, intertwined with the curtains of silk and lace. The chirping of crickets filled the air as you sat at a white table looking out at the rolling hills of the Italian countryside.  

"Ciao, Bella." You heard Giorno's soft voice. You turned to look at him, a soft smile on his lips. You caught his loving gaze and smiled as well. He set down two glasses of tea on the small table and sat across from you. He brushed his golden braid over his shoulder and looked out to the hills. 

"Took you long enough," you teased. He gave a soft laugh and turned to face you yet again. 

"Tea wasn't ready yet."

"You couldn't wait here?" 

"Well, I had something else to prepare as well." The words rolled flawlessly off his tongue. He had that look in his eyes, the one he gave you when he had something special for you. But there was no mischief this time. 

"Oh really?" You took a sip of tea, it was still hot, but it was made just as you liked it. He flashed you a nervous grin before standing. He offered his hand to you, which you quickly accepted, and pulled you into a quick embrace. You gave him a quizzical look and leaned against the table as he dropped your hand and backed away a few steps. Ah, you knew what this was. 

Giorno had bought a small country home for you after he had become the leader of Passione. He eventually resigned to a simple life with you far from the world of stands and gangs. You lived a quiet life with him, one you enjoyed very much. On nights like this, he would sing to you under the stars. You wondered what tonight's song would be as you carefully watched his sea blue eyes. 

~I love a girl with Sunflower eyes

A beautiful thing that only I can see

She looks at me in a way no one else could

A very special feeling to me

I'm sure I look at her a certain way only she can see

I just don't know what that is, Nor should I!

I'm just glad I get to see her Sunflower Eyes~

His voice was smooth and comforting, as it always was. It seemed that even the crickets had stopped to listen. Once he was done, they resumed their chirping. Giorno joined you once again and wrapped his arm around your waist. 

"How was it, mio amore?" he asked sweetly. 

"I loved it." You gave him a kiss on the cheek, brushing away a small bit of hair that had fallen from his braid. You shared the night as the crickets continued their performance and the lightning bugs danced in the air. The warmth of hearth and home filled you as you danced with the love of your life. 

A/N: Based off of the purest thing I've ever seen oof. I would do just about anything for a life like this, ngl. Like, just imagine it, a quiet place in the countryside with your partner, just living however you want. 


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