Rohan {Directions}

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A/N: And this is where we get into meme material. I made thsi wth a friend during social studies (it was slow day). It was my first fic... Please excuse the cringe and just enjoy the meme content.

    You knock on the door. The mangaka opens it.

"We don't accept solicitors," he says. He then slams the door. You knock on the door again. Instead of an answer, you hear banging from inside. You knock again, harder. Rohan pulls open the door furiously, "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT CRETIN?" You stare questioningly at the man. 'I-is that spinach?' You think as you glance at his hair. You spend a good two minutes trying to figure out if he's just a radical vegan or a man with a weird haircut.

"I asked you a question," he glowers.

"Um... I don't know where I am or how I got here. And for whatever reason, there isn't a map anywhere. What the hell type of bullshit town is this?" you respond. He eyes you suspiciously and scoffs. He tries to close the door but you hold it open.

"What the hell?"

"Now wait just a diddly damn moment. I didn't just wake up on the sidewalk and come and knock on your door for shits and giggles. Would you please tell me where I am?" you hiss. He looks at you clearly thinking 'why is this little fucker here' but you continue to stare coldly at him. You look around outside and before you know it the door is closed again.

"Hey, Spinach-man!" You yell, "TELL ME WHERE I AM!" He opens the door again.

"Oi, you little shit! You're a goddam adult! The least you could do is give me bus fare." Disregarding his last statement, you duck under his arm and waltz inside.

"What the-" he exclaims. You turn and nonchalantly explore the room. You walk to a bookshelf and pull out a book. Flipping through the pages you realize it's a shitty manga.

"What the fu-" you begin. Rohan wraps an arm around you and pushes you towards the door, mumbling to himself.

"Goddam kids and their stupid ass parents not keeping track of them," you hear him say.

"Hey! My mom is a great mom, you Spinach cunt thot!" you retort.

"What the motherfuck?!" Rohan yells.

"Let me go you damn virgin!" You yell as you push his arm away. He let's go of you; you must've struck a nerve. He clutches his heart with a disgusted look on his face.

"How dare you insult me, the Great Rohan Kishibe?" he hisses.

"Wait, shit. Sorry, my guy. It was a miss click bruv," you apologize. He looks at you skeptically and you take a step back.

"Well, since you haven't helped me at all, I guess I'm adopting you as my guardian until further notice," you say smugly.

"You little shit," he starts. He shakes his head and stops talking and picks up the manga, placing it on the shelf. He walks upstairs and you follow. He walks over to his desk and completely ignores your existence. You plop down on the swivel seat next to him, curious as to what he was drawing. He's drawing a scene of someone being tortured. There are fish-hooks on the person's lips and the torturer is asking questions.

"That lasagna looks crisp," you say. He turns slowly.

"That's my manga," he says. You furrow your brow and look at the scene.

"Shit's fire fam, is that why you're so famous?" you ask.

"Yea, guess so," he answers simply. He turns back to his manga and you shift in your chair. The chair spins and you start intentionally spinning around. Faster and faster you spin... the increasing velocity makes you dizzy. "Stop that," Rohan demands.

"N-no... What are you, my dad?" You say sharply. You laugh, still dizzy from spinning. His hand reaches out and stops you mid-spin, never once taking his eyes off the panels. You fall off the chair. "Fuckin' heck," you mutter. You try to stand but the room starts moving around you. You feel your stomach twist into a knot. Nausea starts to set in. You double over on the floor and frown at the man sitting before you. He glances down at you and frowns as well.

"Down the hall and to the left," he says.

"What?" you ask, clutching your stomach.

"The bathroom is down the hall and to the left," he restates. You slowly get to your feet and stumble down the hallway. The nausea subsides, but you keep walking anyway. You turn to the right and push open the door. You accidentally go into what you think is his room. Thank god, there is also a bathroom in here. You sink onto the floor and your throat burns as you throw up. That damn chair. When you stand again, you walk to the sink and try to wash your hair and shirt. Faint footsteps are heard from the hallway.

"I tell you the left and you go to the right. Are you directionally challenged too?" Rohan sighs.

"No but I don't like directions," you reply simply. Your stomach still hurts but you feel well enough to stand up straight. Rohan sighs again. He mutters something to himself. You watch him turn his back to you and walk away. You look at the floor and hear him going through drawers. You look up to see him throw a large piece of cloth at you, it's a shirt. You put it on, it's a couple of sizes too big, but it's comfortable. You take off the shirt underneath and look back at Rohan. He looks back at you curiously.

"Don't get vomit on it," he says simply and walks away, leaving you to go work on his manga. 

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