Jotaro {Parenting}

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You leaned back in your chair, absolutely exhausted. Your back ached and your wrist had started to hurt as well. You sighed and saved your work, turning off your PC. You stretched and got up from your desk.

"Jotarooo," you called. You heard a faint "what" from the other side of the house. You sighed and left the room, searching for your husband. You finally found yourself in the dining room where he sat at the table with his laptop. He looked like he was in the middle of something. "Office is open. I need a nap." He sighed and stared at you for a moment before shutting his laptop. 

"I do too." 

"Oh? It's not like you to skip work." You leaned against the table and he smiled up at you. 

"It's been a while." He stood and wrapped his arm around your waist. You leaned in for a kiss when you heard someone else approaching. 

"Daddy! Look what I found!" Jolyne bolted into the room with a big smile, covered in mud with a what had to be the biggest worm you had ever seen clutched in her hands. You were mostly surprised that she hadn't destroyed it with her iron grip. 

"Oh my goodness, Jolyne you are so dirty! What have you been up to?" You kneeled before her and tried to brush away the dirt in her hair. Somehow, you couldn't help but laugh. Jotaro placed a hand on your shoulder. 

"I knew it was too quiet around here," he joked. Jolyne laughed and held up her worm like a trophy. 

"I found it by the tree!" she exclaimed. You smiled and continued trying to wipe the mud off of her cheeks. 

"Why don't we go take your worm back outside and get cleaned up, okay?" She pulled away, protectively holding her prize. 

"We can't take him back outside! We're friends now," she protested. You looked back up at Jotaro, hoping to get a little support. Instead he disappeared and materialized behind Jolyne with a little jar in his hand. Jolyne looked around before seeing him and laughed so hard you were afraid she might fall. Even if you didn't like it sometimes, Jolyne loved it when Jotaro used his stand. 

"Go put some dirt in here and he can stay, but he has to stay in the jar, okay?" She nodded and happily took the jar, running back outside on a new quest. You sighed and stood, wiping your dirty hands on your pants. "What?"

"A jar? And you used your stand again."

"You heard her, they're friends now." He shrugged and pulled you into a hug. You sighed and wrapped your arms around him. "Guess that nap will have to wait." You nodded. Oh the joys of parenting. 

Jolyne returned not a moment later with a jar packed full of dirt and no more worms. You gave her a tired smile and placed the jar on the table. Jotaro picked her up, despite the record amount of mud she was covered with. 

"It's time for a bath young lady," he tried to pass her to you. 

"Oh no, you get to carry her." She giggled, such a pure sound. You loved her laugh and her cute little face. You loved Jolyne, she was your pride and joy. Maybe being a mother wasn't so bad. You heard Jotaro mutter his signature phrase and you smiled. Just like in high school. He was always trying to show off with his stand, but he would never admit that it was for you. 

Once Jolyne was clean and happy, you and Jotaro made sure she was entertained in her room. You didn't want another worm accident. You slipped into your room and flopped onto the bed with a sigh. You suddenly felt Jotaro next to you, his lips against your cheek. He pulled away and smiled. You couldn't see his stand, but you wouldn't be surprised if Star was near. Jotaro usually used him to check on Jolyne. 

"Finally ready for that nap?" He asked, pulling a blanket over you. 

"Not at all," you joked. You rolled over and gave him a sleepy grin. He kissed you and rolled over, his back against yours, and drifted off to sleep. If you were lucky, Jolyne would let you sleep for a whole 30 minutes. You closed your eyes and fell asleep, a happy wife, and a happy mother. You couldn't ask for a better family. 

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