Josuke {50% chance}

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Someone asked for angst so :3

You sat curled up in the corner of the couch, uneasy as you held your cup of tea. You glanced across the table at the man you used to know. He sat hunched over the paperwork, tears falling and pooling on the stained wood.  You'd have to clean that later. You took a sip of tea and looked away. 

Josuke hung his head in defeat, his hands shaking. He was barely able to write his name. He whispered something you couldn't make out. You sighed and stood, bringing your cup to the kitchen. It hurt you to be around him.

"Josuke," you cooed, returning to sit across from him. He looked up at you.

"(Y/N), please," he sighed and glanced away. You placed your hand on his.

"Its for the best." He gave you a skeptical glare. He quickly signed the last of the papers and shoved them your way.

"If I knew we'd end up like this I wouldn't have said yes in the first place." His words stung, but you guessed his pain was worse. You were, after all, the reason why this was happening. You had asked for the divorce.

It wasn't that you never loved him. You really did, but something wasn't right. Maybe it was the way you just couldn't trust him or how things had been rough the last few years. You decided it was finally time to let go. You'd convinced yourself to stay in love with him all those years, even after your feelings were gone. But you couldn't lie to him anymore.

"Josuke, don't leave." you tugged at his jacket as he walked to the door. "What will you do now? I can help, if you'd like."

"I'll probably go back to Tomoko's. Don't bother, you've done enough." You let go of him and watched him leave for the last time. It hurt when he pulled out of the driveway, you knew he wouldn't be coming back.

You took one last walk around the empty house. If only the walls could talk. The fireplace mantle sat empty, the vases bore no flowers, and the walls were blank and lonely. You finally walked back into your bedroom, staring at his side of the bed. His dresser was emptied, a couple of the drawers still hung open. You flopped down on the bed with a sigh. You never meant to hurt him like this. He was your best friend, but you couldn't pretend anymore.

Out of the corner of your eye you saw a striped tail rise at the end of the bed. You couldn't help but smile. At least you still had Miso. He was always your cat, him and Josuke never really got along. You picked him up and sat with him against your chest. He simply curled up into a ball and purred.

"Hey buddy," you whispered, "why don't we move somewhere new? would you like that?" he just purred some more. "What about Hawaii? Doesn't that sound nice." You played with his paws, pressing lightly on his toes. Miso always knew how to make you feel better. Now it was just you and him against the world.

I know this isn't the greatest kshdj I'm across the country rn without my laptop so :/ but I hope you enjoyed :))) not as heart wrenching as it could've been

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