Josuke {Arcade}

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School was out, and an endless summer of doing absolutely nothing was ahead of you. What better way to celebrate than to hit up Morioh's arcade? The smell of metallic parts and food grace your senses. Bright lights and flashing colors beckon you to approach the various game cabinets. But you would not be tempted by these pitiful machines, oh no. You were here for your one true love, Street Fighter II.

You rub the tokens in between your fingers eagerly. It had been a while since you had even touched a video game. School had taken a lot out of you, so you hadn't had time to refine your fighting skills.

Quickly, you wade your way through the mass sea of people that separated you from your beloved Street Fighter. Kids bump into your knees as they try to keep up with one another, and the kids your age don't even bother to move out of the way. As, you squeeze through the last few people, you are met with an unsightly scene.

A few teens, most of which are girls, are crowded around your cabinet. In the center, two guys are duking it out, rather terribly too. They both mash on the buttons and throttle the joy sticks. Did they even know what they were doing?

"Come on JoJo! You can do it!" One of the girls squealed. The whole gaggle is soon cheering on this 'JoJo' guy. The guy on the right gives out a laugh and mashes the buttons quicker. That must've been JoJo. 

After a few painful minutes, the guy you assume is Jojo exclaims, "I did it! I won!" The flock of girls squeals once more and start congratulating him. JoJo blushes awkwardly and rubs the back of his neck. The opponent shoves his hands in his pockets dejectedly. Poor guy, that JoJo fella got all of the attention. Then, you had an idea.

You approach the guy who lost, only to find that you recognized him.He was that new student, the rough looking one with the strange haircut and weird school uniform. He also had these strange marks on his face. You'd seen him around school before, but you never really approached him.

"Hey," You say, "I'll make you a deal. If you lend me your tokens, I'll beat this guy for ya." The delinquent looks at you curiously, as if he didn't understand you.

"Um, no E-English," He stutters. Oh yeah, this was Japan. You translate what you had said, and the guy gives you a cheeky grin. He fishes a few of his tokens out of his pocket and hands them to you.

Without missing a beat, you insert the tokens into the arcade cabinet and tap 'JoJo' on the shoulder. And, boy, you didn't expect him to be so cute.

He turned to face you, and you were met with clear blue eyes that shook you to the core. He still had a blush on his face, which made him seem even cuter. To top it all off, his hair was perfect.  You never thought that anyone could make a pompadour look good, but this guy had somehow managed to do it. You clear your throat in attempt to readjust yourself.

"Wanna play? My buddy over here wants redemption," You say slyly. The pompadoured cutie looks over your shoulder to the delinquent.

"So now you're having girls fight your battles, Okuyasu?" He teases.

"Yeah, and I'm sure she'll kick your ass, Josuke!" Okuyasu fires back. You feel a small glimmer of pride.

Josuke inserts some tokens into his side. You pop your knuckles and neck in preparation. Time to knock some rust off.

You immediately go for your girl Chun-Li. She has been your main ever since the beginning. With her lightning fast kicks and your lightning fast hands, you two could never be beaten. Josuke picks E.Honda. Well, this was going to be fun.

Josuke gives you a cute smile, " Good luck." You merely nod back to him. You never mess around when it comes to Street Fighter.

You place your palm below the six buttons for maximum movement. This would allow you to reach all of the buttons easily, and it made it easier for you to do combos. Your left hand grips the joystick like it was a gear stick. You knew how to play like the back of your own two hands. Would Josuke be able to keep up?


As soon as the muffled voice of the announcer dies off, you are on the attack. You take the offensive and pull out as many combos as you can, leaving no time for Josuke to register what happened. It ended up being a fifteen second round.

You look over to Okuyasu to see him with his jaw dropped. That was the usual reaction. There was a reason why nobody in your hometown would play Street Fighter with you.

"What? How? When?" You hear Josuke stutter. Ah, it was good to play again.


 Instead of going on the offensive, you move Chun-Li to the corner where she could be open to be attacked. Josuke falls for your bait. He moves E.Honda over to Chun-Li, only to be hit with a barrage of kicks from her. You can hear a lot of button mashing coming from Josuke's side.

"How are you so good at this!" Josuke yells as he tries to defend E.Honda from your onslaught. You let a laugh escape, "Years of having my ass handed to me by my brother!"

With a final "Kikoken!" from Chun-Li, E.Honda is defeated. Josuke stares at the screen with wide eyes. Okuyasu is cheering at Josuke's defeat.

"How are you so good at this," Josuke asks,"Teach me your ways, uh-"

"(Y/N)," you answer.


You smile, " Alright, be here tomorrow at 14:00. I'll teach you the tools of the trade. Bye now!"

(A/N) Hey fellas, it's the co-author that Jade mentioned(if the change in style wasn't obvious enough). Jade eventually convinced me to actually co-author this story instead of being a ghostwriter. I guess I'll go by Ghost. I'm biggest meme queen on both sides of the Mississippi. Expect varied content and excess amount of Pillar fluff(bc you know I'm about that Pillar life aye).

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