Pillarmen {Longwalker}

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^Song added for your convenience

"Entertain me, human."

"What?" The question slipped out, although you hadn't meant it to. Your thoughts had been compressed for too long, causing them to come out.

"I told you to entertain me," The same voice snapped. You looked up at your captor, his extraordinary violet eyes piercing your soul. You swallowed thickly.

"And how do you propose I do that?" You ask, crossing your arms over your chest. He gave out a low chuckle.

"Most humans take it upon themselves to learn to play and instrument or sing, I assumed that you would be able to do so," He said, stepping closer to you.

"As a matter of fact, I can, but seeing as how there aren't any guitars around, I'm afraid that you are shit out of luck," You sneer.

He placed a hand to his chin.

"Are you implying that you would play for me if I were to acquire a guitar for you?" He purred, a smirk coming across his features.

"Sure, there's nothing else to do in this place," You say. You find yourself shrinking away from him. You might have been giving him lip, but he was still intimidating. When he turns to leave, another thought slips out of you. "Could you get me a 12 string Portuguese guitar?"

He looks at you from over his shoulder, "I will try."

He shuts the door behind him, encasing you in darkness once more.


You were rudely woken up by the sound of a wooden door being slammed open. You shoot up in your little cot. Light filtered in, causing you to flinch. You see your captor, Kars, you learned, standing in the doorway with a small, stringed instrument. He strides over to you and drops it into your lap.

"Come," he says, "you will play for me and my comrades."

You swallow thickly, once more. He turns and exits your makeshift room. You scramble to your feet and race after him.

"I thought I was only playing for you," you sputter.

"Esidisi enjoys music, as do I, and Wamuu asked to join us in listening to you," he says.

"That," you stutter, "that wasn't the deal that we made."
"As I recall, there was no deal."
Christ, this man was impossible.

You pluck one of the strings, pleasantly surprised to find that it was in tune. You strum all the way across the strings. Hearing a sour note, you grimace. Almost in tune.

You were brought to what was equate to the honeymoon suite of a hotel. The room was large, but it was dilapidated and old. Wooden boards covered the windows, preventing any light from seeping in. Across the room, you see two hulking figures. One was seated with his legs crossed, and the other was leaning up against one of the many columns. Surprisingly, you remembered both of them.
The one that was seated was Wamuu, you recalled. He was the one that practically curb stomped you to knock you out. The one that was leaning on the column was Esidisi. You vividly remember calling him a "scary-ass man with fluffy-ass hair". You were a little bit unnerved when he laughed and asked you to come up with another one. He seemed to be the most 'human' of the group.

Kars meandered over to the luxurious seat that was near the other two. You followed close behind until he stopped you.

In all of your years on this earth, you had never felt so vulnerable and scared until now. You felt as though you were being put on trial, and those three were the judge, jury, and executioner. Your heart beat faster as all three of them gazed at you.

Wamuu seemed like he was mildly interested. His face held a soft expression, one that you never thought you would see. Esidisi had moved over to Kars' chair, propping his elbow up and resting his chin in his palm. He looked at you with a smirk. Kars still wore his bored expression.

You felt your face get hot. You look down at the guitar, quietly trying to tune it. The air was thick with tension until Wamuu broke it.

"What will you be playing for us, human?" He asked.

"I, uh," you stutter, "it's called Nine Voices."

"Well? Play it for us," Esidisi said.

You gulp. Performance anxiety decided to make itself known. Your fingers shook subtly. You couldn't imagine that your 'crowd' was naked, they were already scantily clad. Taking in a deep breath, you push your anxiousness away and start to strum.

"On a beach, north Africa, nine tribesmen stand alone. waiting for a distant call, waiting for the world to answer. Thru' the night of a thousand stars, encircled by the light. They began to sing a new song, of forces that surround us," you sang. You forgot how much that you loved this song. "Nine voices, this dialogue. Nine voices, singing as one, nine voices. This dialogue, nine voices."

"When the sun came up they sang, as the perfect calendar says, each had the power of people, speaking new languages. They gave forgiveness meaning, new ways of letting go. Each child is born for greatness, with forces that surround them." You rock back and forth as you sing and play.

"This voice, this dialogue. This voice, singing as one. Nine voices, this dialogue. Nine voices, singing as one. His voice, this dialogue. This voice, singing as one. Nine voices, nine voices, nine voices, nine voices." You continue to strum, quietly clearing your throat once you stopped singing. You finally worked up enough courage to meet their faces again.

Kars had shut his eyes and rested his head in his palm. He looked like he enjoyed it. His lips weren't pulled into a scowl anymore. Wamuu still looked at you with the same expression. His eyes had softened considerably. Esidisi smiled brightly. You could see the corners of his eyes get a tiny bit glossy. He had definitely enjoyed it.

"Human?" Wamuu asked, "Could you play us another song?"

Sorry about the singing format, it just looks gross when you type out lyrics how they are supposed to look like. I saw Yes in concert last month and fell in love with Nine Voices, and I shall share my love with you. Also, it's ya girl's birthday on the 4th! Happy anniversary of coming out of my mother's womb to me!


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