Wamuu {Torpor}

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For my wifey @AmethystTiger :0
(neko! Reader)

          Wamuu sat rigidly, his back pressed firmly against the stone wall. The woman in his lap was fast asleep. He didn't mind it, but it was certainly hindering his ability to meditate. He couldn't focus on making his mind blank and listening to his surroundings because he was well aware of the woman asleep across his legs.         
          Her light snoring coupled with the roaring of the waterfall made for a nice ambiance. It was peaceful, but not enough to clear his head. He shook his head, intent on meditating. The blond pillarman shut his eyes, breathing deeply.          
          There was a soft twitch on his leg. He scrunched his face up, clenching his jaw. Opening his eyes, Wamuu glanced down at the sleeping body. The young woman's cat-like ears twitched. He sighed through his nose and came to terms with the fact that he wasn't going to get any meditating done.          
          Very carefully, Wamuu shifted the woman around in his lap so her ears weren't squished against his leg. Even with his light jostling, she didn't wake up.
How could she be in such a deep sleep, while he couldn't even expel his head of all thoughts? It made him wonder whether humans and his race were truly all that different.
Yes, she was definitely not like other humans, what with her ears and all, but other than the small feline quirks, she wasn't that different from him. He realized his thoughts were blatantly going against his masters' teachings, but it wasn't a crime to think, was it?
He gently scratched behind her ears, the soft fur feeling foreign against his calloused hands. There was a light vibration against his leg that startled him. He pulled his hands away and the sensation stopped. Was she purring?
The blond man carefully returned his hands and scratched again, but he was met with the same results. He smiled, the distant memory of a small feline Kars had allowed him to keep returning to him.
       If he remembered right, they purred when they were content or happy. He continued to lightly rub her ears, the purring getting louder.
       It was pleasant. The ambient sounds of nature and the warm presence in his lap soothes the normally stoic Pillarman. His muscles subconsciously relaxed, his posture shifting to a hunch rather than the usual, rigid straightness he was accustomed to.
       She shifted around in his lap, letting out a yawn that stretched her jaw further than Wamuu thought it could go. With a content hum, she nuzzled into his muscular thigh.
      He thought of the offhanded remark Esidisi had said to him while carrying the young woman.
    "It's like carrying a baby," he had joked through a yawn, "once they're asleep, you don't have much else to do but fall asleep as well."
     Wamuu held back a yawn, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. His master was right, it's not like he could move, that'd be rude, he could wake her up!
     He tried to focus on petting her head, his eyes tracing over the stripes that lined the back of her ears. They reminded him of an animal that he couldn't remember the name of. He'd have to ask his masters later.
         As his eyes followed each individual line, his eyes grew heavy. He fought to keep his eyes open, blinking rapidly. His legs were falling asleep, too. The dull sensation filled his calves and feet, but he couldn't move. He didn't want to wake her up.
        'Perhaps,' he thought to himself, 'my masters will forgive me, just this once.'
        Gradually, moving his hands became a chore. He rested his hand on her side, feeling her small hands wrap around his wrist. His eyes slowly closed and he settled his head against the stone. The warmth of her body, albeit small, only helped the sleepy blond pillarman to fall into a blissful slumber.
         When Esidisi finally found them, he couldn't bring himself to wake the sleeping duo. The image of the young woman curled up in the young warrior's lap made his heart melt. He carefully slipped off, making a mental note to come get them later.

I just realized the last time I posted was April of last year whoops
Gonna try to get the rest of the requests done and then open them back up again, so stay tuned for that :^)

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