Pillarmen {Adolescence}

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Babby reader and a soft Santana, what could go wrong?

Santana watched curiously as the small human toddled around. She had only recently learned how to walk, and she was talking full advantage of it. Her little feet made soft padding noises on the stone floor. She put her little fist in her mouth and toddled out of Santana's small room. Santana stood up and followed close behind to prevent any accidents.

Santana didn't know why this little human had intrigued him. Perhaps it was the fact that he had never seen a human child before, much less a female. He listened to her soft babbling.

He smiled while he watched (Y/N) amble down the hallway. Suddenly, (Y/N) fumbled forward. She fell onto her little knees. Surprisingly, she didn't cry. (Y/N) just giggled and clapped her little hands. One of them glinted softly with a clear sheen of saliva. Santana shook his head. A resilient little thing, he thought to himself. (Y/N) quietly continued her adventure on her knees. Santana sighed gently. He quickened his pace to pick her up. As soon as his fingers made contact with her pudgy sides, she let out a squeal.

He had no idea if it was a squeal of delight, or a squeal of displeasure. He wasn't fluent in baby speak like Kars and Esidisi were. Santana tried to pick her up, but she squealed again.

"Hey there," Santana cooed. He was trying to replicate what he'd heard Esidisi say before. It didn't work. (Y/N) frantically squirmed in his grip.

"Who's that I hear?" Esidisi's voice echoed from down the hallway.

"Master Esidisi!" Santana said, surprised. He dropped to one knee, letting (Y/N) go. She continued her trek down the hallway, only to be hoisted up again by Esidisi.

"Oh, hey you! What are you doing up?" Esidisi cooed to (Y/N), cradling her in his arms carefully. She babbled back to him.

Once he was in range, Esidisi gently ruffled Santana's hair.

"Stand," Esidisi commanded. When Santana stood up, he saw Esidisi trying to defend himself from (Y/N). (Y/N) was grabbing at Esidisi's nose ring. Her grubby little fingers squeezed Esidisi's nose, causing him to break out into a large grin.

"No, no," Esidisi chided softly, pushing her hand away with his index finger, "none of that." (Y/N) garbled at him, grabbing at him again. Esidisi chuckles warmly, kissing her small cheek.

"I'm sorry, master," Santana apologizes, "she's been restless." Esidisi smiles.

"Babies get restless," Esidisi said, softly, "you have nothing to apologize for." By now, (Y/N) had given up on trying to take Esidisi's nose ring. She rested her head on Esidisi's shoulder. Esidisi pressed another gentle kiss to (Y/N)'s temple. When she yawned, Esidisi chuckled. "Oh, big yawn!" He cooed, snuggling her into his neck. "Can you hold her?" Esidisi asked, "I need to go hunting."

Santana nodded. He held out his arms, prepared to hold the tiny human.

"Alright, use this arm to support her back, and use this arm to support her head," Esidisi said, carefully handing (Y/N) over to Santana. Once (Y/N) was in Santana's arms, she started to fuss. Esidisi chuckled. He leaned down to face her.

"Hey," Esidisi crooned, "be nice to your brother. No more fussing."

He tapped the tip of (Y/N)'s nose before he continued on his way. (Y/N) had stopped fussing and latched on to Santana's neck. Santana could feel her tiny nose bump against his shoulder.

"Where to now?" Santana quietly asked. (Y/N) only gave a little yawn in response.


(Y/N) had been leading Santana through the corridors with little grunts and pointing with her tiny fingers. Unfortunately, she had fallen asleep, so Santana was left to his own devices. (Y/N) had lead him into the hallway where Wamuu resided.

Santana peeked into Wamuu's room, surprised to find that he was in there. He pushed the door open further, causing Wamuu to turn around.

"Mast- Oh, it's just you, Santana," Wamuu stuttered. "I thought Master Esidisi was coming to get me."

"Ah. Well, (Y/N) led me here. Master Esidisi has already departed," Santana said, lightly jostling the small girl awake. She gave a large yawn and opened her tiny (e/c) eyes.

"Already departed?! Oh no, I was supposed to go with him!" Wamuu panics, immediately standing up. He gathers some of his things before bolting out the door. He gives (Y/N) a kiss on the cheek and Santana a hug before running down the hallway, shouting for Esidisi to wait for him.

"That was quick," Santana says to (Y/N). She babbles something at him. "Now where do you want to go?" He asks, rocking her gently.


Santana stood in front of Master Kars' study, practically chewing on his fingernails. Why did (Y/N) want to see him? He would probably tear her limb from limb while laughing hysterically about how horrible humans were. Santana tried to push those thoughts out of his head, but they still lingered. He swallowed the lump in his throat and knocked on the wooden door.

"Come in," Kars' voice rang from the other side. Santana could tell Kars was using his 'I swear to whatever divine deity that you believe in if you are bothering me for something stupid...' voice.

Santana gulped. He pushed the door open.

Kars was tinkering one of his many stone masks at his 'work table'. Santana took a weary step into the room. He never really liked to be alone with Kars. Upon seeing that Santana had a baby in his arms, Kars put the mask down.

"Why are you in here?" He said, resting his chin in his palm.

"(Y-Y/N) wanted to come and see you," Santana murmured. Kars cocked an eyebrow.

"Really now?" Kars questioned. Santana nodded sheepishly. Against his own will, Santana moved to Kars' side. He held (Y/N) out to Kars, hoping that he wouldn't do anything to her.

Kars grabbed (Y/N)'s tender sides. She let out another cute squeal of delight. Santana was a little bit reluctant to let go, but he did.

"Such a darling, this one," Kars mused, pressing a kiss to (Y/N)'s nose. He held her to his chest. (Y/N) leans into his neck and puts her fist in her mouth again. "You used to be this adorable, too, Santana," Kars says, rubbing (Y/N)'s back lightly.

A tsunami of relief washed over Santana's form. Kars didn't want to eat (Y/N), so that was good.

"Though, you were more prone to hiding in impossible tiny spaces so that I wouldn't brush your hair," Kars muttered, nuzzling (Y/N)'s tender scalp. Santana flushed red. Did he really do that?

Santana is a sweetheart and if you don't agree I will sneeze on your shoe


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