Kars {Gratitude}

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Key: CHF=Swiss Francs (Thank you google for the conversions)

After a long day of work, you decide to go to your local liquor store. It was Friday, and you felt like you deserved a reward for all of your hard work. Currently, you were browsing the whiskey section. You perused all of the ingredients of various types before settling on Old Pulteney. It was a bit pricey, about 72 CHF, but you were sure it would be worth it.

You amble your way to the register. There was already a guy at the counter, so you stood behind him patiently. He looked way too well dressed to be in a liquor store at the tender hour of 8:40 p.m. Who dons a fedora and head wrap to go and buy alcohol?

"Uh, sir? I can't accept this," the clerk said.

The sharply dressed man huffs as if he expected this to happen. He reaches into his breast pocket for something.

You peek out from behind the man to see what was the problem. On the counter sat a bottle of Dom Perignon and a small handful of gold coins and other precious gems. Huh, that's an interesting way to pay.

"We accept almost all forms of currency, but I'm afraid that this is-"

"I'll pay for it," you interject. The clerk looks at you like you are insane, and the man turns around to face you.

"A-are you sure you want to? It's pretty pricey," the clerk says sheepishly. You roll your eyes.

"Yes, how much is it?" You ask, reaching into your pocket for your wallet.

"187 CHF," he says. You feel your mouth go dry. Well, you never thought you would spend almost 260 CHF on alcohol. You place your whiskey on the counter and reluctantly pull out all of the Francs you had in your wallet.

"Keep the change," You grumble, handing the Francs to the clerk. The well dressed man looks at you curiously, as if he'd never had someone pay for him. You return his look, but for a different reason. You had never seen a man with violet eyes before, and by god were they beautiful. He even sported some light blue eye shadow. It was oddly fitting.

He looks you up and down, as if sizing you up. He then takes his wine and leaves.

"You're welcome!" you call after him. Meanwhile, the clerk is staring at the assortment of items on the counter. You briefly wonder what you would do with the coins before leaving the store, making sure to grab your whiskey.

You turn out of the store, only to be met with a broad chest.  It just so happened to be the very same guy that you had so graciously bought wine for. You didn't realize how tall he was until you had to take a few paces back to look him in the eyes. Nor did you realize how handsome he was.  You take note of the purple curls that had escaped the head wrap.

He met your gaze with the same curiosity as before, but it seemed more malicious than last time.

"Why did you do that?" He asks with a deep, sultry voice. His eyes narrow slightly. A shiver makes its way down your spine. Was it hot out here, or was it just you?

"Well, I don't really know. It just felt right," you answer.  He places his hand to his chin like he was pondering your statement. He hums slightly.

"Humans never do favors for one another unless it is to gain something," he says, " What is it that you are trying to do?"

You shrug, "Look, I bought you some wine because you obviously didn't have the money for it. Just go and enjoy it. I'm not trying to get anything from you, I already have my own drink."

His eyes soften considerably. Then, he leans in close. You take a few steps back, but the guy wraps his arms around your waist. You struggle in his grip.

"Calm down," he demands, " I'm showing you my gratitude." You keep trying to escape his hold. Who was this man?!

One of his hands cups your jaw, bringing your face close to him. He hesitates for a moment before pressing his lips to your own. It was a brief kiss, but it felt like it lasted forever. He pulls away and wipes his lips with his sleeve.

"Thank you," he says, turning to walk away. You stand there, flabbergasted. You stutter something incoherent. Suddenly, he turns his head back to you once more.

"What is your name, human? I wish to tell my comrades of the strange human that I met this night," he says. You shiver slightly.

"Uh, (Y/N) (L/N)," you say nervously. 

He gives a throaty chuckle, "Very well, (Y/N). I want you to remember the name Kars." You nod. With a suave smile, Kars saunters away.

You stand on the sidewalk trying to comprehend what happened. One thing was for sure, though. You wouldn't forget this interaction anytime soon.

This one's for all of you fellas that have a thirst for the Ultimate Being(just like me)


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