Incorrect Utaite [31]

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uni_mafumafu: I love seeing pawprints cause that means at some point a cat or a dog walked on that spot and then I think about them and it's a good time


luzabs: Hey, we have a job for you

_amatsuki_: Not interested

luzabs: It pays 1000 yen

_amatsuki_: I'll do anything for a 1000 yen

syounen_t_sako: For once that's a good thing.


sen_senra: You have a nice eyes, Maashi~

shima_s2: Thanks I cry from them


sakatandao: Hey I uh, wanted to talk to you about something

uratasama: Okay

sakatandao: Well, I've recently discovered that you're single

uratasama: Yeah

sakatandao: And I'm single

sakatandao: So I was wondering if you wanted to be single together

sakatandao: Romantically...

uratasama: No

sakatandao: E-eh...

uratasama: I want to hear it from you, in person

sakatandao: EH?! URATA-SAN!!

uratasama: Usual cafe. 15 minutes. You pay.

sakatandao: Got it!

uni_mafumafu: So cute~!

uratasama: Shut up.


soraruru: Okay. But if you ever want to talk to somebody

neru_sleep: Soraru-san...

soraruru: I mean, not me. You know, my time is too expensive

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