Incorrect Utaite [150]

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uratasama: The four most beautiful words in our common language

shima_s2: Don't say it

uratasama: I TOLD YOU SO


uni_mafumafu: I saw a handsome portrait in a mall

uni_mafumafu: I tried to look closer

uni_mafumafu: But then I realized

uni_mafumafu: It was just a mirror


sen_senra: I can't believe we've worked together for years and I still haven't bent down to pick up Maashi's composition books and we accidentally touched hands and fall in love instantly

sen_senra: I mean how many times do I need to slap all the shit out of his hands for this to happen?


syounen_t_sako: If you had to separate your dog from 49 identical dogs that were all equally excited to see you, how would you determine which dog was yours?

_amatsuki_: I would take my 50 dogs home and live like a king


nqrse: Netflix and Chill

oO0Eve0Oo: Youtube and Snuggle!

kiyo_saiore: A random pirated website and taking over the government

96_neko: HULU AND FUCK


kashitaro_ito: You're cute when you're angry

_amatsuki_: Then I'm about to get really fucking adorable


sakatandao: I have a plan

uratasama: I have the hospital on speed dial


neru_sleep: The opposite of Microsoft Office is Macrohard Onfire


Nico_nico_Sou: There's a fucking oul outside

Nico_nico_Sou: Ouwl

Nico_nico_Sou: Owul

Nico_nico_Sou: Houl

Nico_nico_Sou: How the fuck do you spell it

Nico_nico_Sou: Hoot hoot

Nico_nico_Sou: There's a hoot hoot


soraruru: Where were you? I couldn't get in touch with you for a whole day

uni_mafumafu: Ooh I was in this really cool place

uni_mafumafu: See, it's kind of like "Spain"

uni_mafumafu: Except the "s" is silent

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