Incorrect Utaite [131]

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sakatandao: Urata-san doesn't really want to log-in right now

soraruru: Just tell him I said something

sakatandao: Like what?

soraruru: Anything factually incorrect

@uratasama entered the chatroom

uratasama: Soraru-san, did you just say the sun is a fucking planet?


kiyo_saiore: I hate when you say "I hate that song" and someone goes "well you have to admit it's catchy"

kiyo_saiore: The fucking plague is catchy that doesn't mean it's good


luzabs: English is a difficult language

luzabs: It can be understood through tough thorough thought, though

sen_senra; You need to stop


singing_rib: I'll do a lot of things but admitting to my parent I'm cold when they told me to bring a jacket is not one of them


syounen_t_sako: If it wasn't illegal I would eat cereal for every meal of the day

Pusu_kun: ... well I have some wonderful news for you


96_neko: I know we don't always see eye to eye

kashitaro_ito: It's because you're short

96_neko: ...

_amatsuki_: Dude, run


Nico_nico_Sou: Eve, want to hear a joke?

oO0Eve0Oo: No

Nico_nico_Sou: There was a kidnapping at the school today

oO0Eve0Oo: No

Nico_nico_Sou: Don't worry

oO0Eve0Oo: Sou-kun, no

Nico_nico_Sou: He woke up

oO0Eve0Oo: ...


neru_sleep: Being an atheist has gotten boring so I have decided that I will now be god


nqrse: For Halloween I'm going as a stupid fucking idiot because the costume costs zero yen


uni_mafumafu: I want to be like a caterpillar

soraruru: Explain

uni_mafumafu: Eat a lot, sleep, wake up beautiful

soraruru: You know you would have a lifespan of about a week right?

uni_mafumafu: Another highlight

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