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Snuggling into the pillow, I stretched my arms searching for her in sleep.

"Khushi..." Murmuring her name I roamed my hands moving slightly.

Where she must be? Flickering my lids to adjust the light on the room, I blinked opening it.

"Chotte. You woke up" A soft caress on my forehead along with her sweet words, I felt good. Raising my head a bit, I kept it on her lap.

"How are you feeling chotte?" She asked gently pressing my forehead.

"Fine di. Just feeling little bit tired"

"It must be. Who asked you to work non-stop ignoring your health? If you continue to work like this, then I am going to restrict you from going abroad without any of us even if it was for important meeting" She scolded.

I twisted my face "That's not possible di. Next week I am attending an international conference at New York"

"You're not stepping out of this bed for a week" She told sternly.

"What the!! No ways di. Moreover it's on next week" I argued back.

"As if next week was far away bhai. For your kind information today is Saturday and the conference was on Tuesday" I glanced at the door and Aakash stood there saying this.

Nowadays he grew more dare to interrupt me and backanswer me.

"So technically Tuesday was next week, not adding on this week" I shrugged nonchalantly.

"Don't act smart chotte" Chided di.

"I am stating the fact"

"You're grounded for seven days. Is it enough now?" She added.

I hissed at their stubbornness. Aakash was penetrating my frame sitting on the bed while di was rolling her eyes trying to scare me. Seriously! These siblings.

"Are you both trying to control me?"

"No doubt we're ASR's too" They proudly flaunted their collar.

I rolled my eyes at them "You too di. I can't believe it"

Di pouted "Then what do you want me to do. Three, THREE times... You fainted in 24 hours. If khushiji knows this then we'll be finished"

I sighed again. Only then I travelled back to week happenings. Khushi had left to her parents home. Her babuji treatment reached the final stage. To give him, moral support, both daughters are staying there since last week. That's the reason for my raised sugar level too. Her calls reduced, not that I am blaming her. It's her duty as a daughter like she's doing her other duties perfectly.

"Missing khushiji..." They both choroused. Seems like they're on mission teasing me or Are they trying to cheer me up.

"Any doubt" I answered shutting their mouth.

Di beat my arms playfully "We can't even tease you"

"Because I am ASR" It's my turn to raise my collar.

"Arnavji..." My lips bloomed into a wide grin.

"Thank god. You arrived. We're having hard time in controlling your husband" Di complained to her without even asking about uncle's health.

"Khushi how's uncle.." I asked.

"He's fine arnavji. He started to walk with the help of walking stick"

Di and Aakash jumped on her with series of questions. She calmly answered everyone. Taking it as a cue, I sat up when everyone indulged in talking.

"STOP" I closed my eyes in annoyance.

"What happened di?" The moment Khushi's worried voice boomed on the room di recited like a parrot.

"They're exaggerating Khushi. I am fine" I cooaxed her.

"Don't trust his words khushiji. He's lying. Just before you arrive, he told me he was feeling tired and wanting to go New York"

"You're not stepping out of this bed for a week" Khushi ordered sternly sitting near me caressing my forehead.

"Khushi. It's important conference"

"No means no. I am ordering you" She rolled her big eyes giving a stern glare.

"Ok..." I agreed not having strength to argue with her knowing at last the winner would be obviously her.

"Aww.. see na Aakash. He didn't heard our words. But when the ruler of his heart ordered him, he agreed instantly without arguing back" Di shrieked faking a shock face.

True that she is the ruler of my heart. My Queen of my heart too.


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