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Folding my legs under, I sat comfortably on the sofa keeping his laptop on my folded legs. It's a miracle that he gave permission to touch his laptop. I looked at my right and found his neck buried deep down on some file.

Shrugging at his habit, I pressed the button. The screen came to live in mute. Laadgovernor would've lowered the volume, almost like silent mode. He knows to put his laptop on silent mode but not his phone, stupid Raizada. I wonder, ever had he noticed the silent icon on his notification bar.

I was forced to broke my monologue by the pop up screen asking password.

"What was the password arnavji?" I asked not knowing his password.

"You don't know?." He questioned in surprise "Anshi."

"What the! Whose name is this?" I argued in jealousy. How can he put some other girl name as his password?

"Anjali and Khushi- Anshi"

His instant answer throw all the jealousy out of my system. I happily typed the password.

The plain dark screen with numerous files greeted me. Ignoring his dark screen like his dark wardrobe, I opened the browser.

I lazily typed the name of newly started online shopping cart of AR designs. The browser loads for few seconds and next moment, I jumped from my seat dropping the laptop on the process.

I gulped and started to ran upstairs without turning back.

But wait, it's his laptop. He must be hell angry. I face palmed and looked down from the balcony only to stood rooted to the spot with mouth hanging in shock. He's checking the content on the laptop. He must've seen that.

He looked up at me. I bit my lips and speed up my pace to reach our room. Pushed open the door, I shoved myself inside the comforter hiding myself from head to toe.

Stupid internet, stupid cart. What the heck have I seen? Yuck...

'Why did you let me see those Devimaiyya? Chi..chi..  What type of website is that?.' I muttered in disgust. I shouldn't have took his laptop. Eww... What kind of shit is that?

'Devimaaiyaa erase those images from my brain. Please devimaaiyaa. I'll give you tons of Jalebi's. Made those sinful images to vanish from my memory. Please... Please...' I pleaded hoping against hope to evade those images, I happened to see few seconds before.

Suddenly I felt someone pulling the comforter away. Terrified, I pulled it more into my frame and curled inside it, chanting Devimaiyya.

"Khushi..." I heard a mirthful voice, obviously laadgovernor would've slipped into playful mood after seeing those. Eekkk...

I pursued my lips and closed my eyes tightly. I cannot see him. My cheeks are already crimson in shame. I don't have that within me to face him.

I shuddered inside the comforter as I felt his leg over mine and his arms captivated me inbetween his empty arms.

At once, a shiver run down my spine at the movement of him over the fabric.

"Get off me." I wiggled and pushed him with a force only to have him beside me. The comforter was long forgetton. Oh shit! It's his trick and like a fool, I pushed my weapon away.

"I can't believe you're blushing so much for the microsecond teaser." He laughed running his finger over my cheeks. Blood rushed from all sides to cheeks.

I shoved his hand away and turned around to bury my head on pillow. God, I can't face him.

"I never know your so called shopping cart show these things. Yuck..." I whined in embarassment. I am never going to forget this little incident. Never!

"Come on baby... It's just a porn site. It's all over the internet. It's not like we put it on our site, it's an advertisement and you must've clicked it accidentally." He answered with laugh and hugged me from behind. I sank more into the pillow wishing to go invisible. I thinned my lips in awkward.

"Khushi there is nothing to get shy like this? Look at me."

"Yes, there is NOTHING on in it and.. leave it. Stupid... Useless... Shameless..."

"Don't behave like a teenager baby." He teased merrily.

"Shut up."

"I never know you would shy for this mere thing more than you shy on real act."

"SHUT UP." I roared.

"Khushi betiya what happened? What happened to your face? It turned red." I gaped at the new entrant.

I looked at arnavji who is also opening his mouth and closing it again like fish out of water seeing nani's sudden entry.


"Naniji... I am..."

"Oh yeah Nani. It's that.. She's shocked seeing p..." He paused his sentence. Perhaps my pinch on his thigh worked. I was shocked beyond limit by his open declaration to naniji.

"She's shocked seeing my anger." He changed his sentence.

Nani looked at him like he grew horns on his head. I faced palmed mentally on his stupidity.

He was, is and always a Lame lier.

I throw a stern glare towards his direction "I am having headache naniji. Maybe that's why."

"Take care bitiya. I was crossing by your room and shocked hearing your shriek. Thank god, it's just headache.  Take medicines and rest." Nani patted my cheeks in care. I faked a smile feeling guilty for lying to naniji.

"Er... I've a call to attend. I'll be back" He escaped from the room as if he predicted my next set of actions.


MrsASR Used your idea. Hope it gives a good read. And, I expect a shot on this topic from you. You always nail at humour. I would love to read your version, if you can😃

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