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"Khushiji..." I stripped my gaze from the weekly magazine to look out for the cause behind di shriek.

But the next moment Raizada mansion rendered by my shriek.

"Wow di... This is..."

"Haan haan... Today it's my treat. Hello hi to unhealthy foods bye bye to HP diet foods" Di said in a manner that I could not help but share a laugh with Nani.

"But di, why suddenly?" I asked taking the parcel from her hands.

"My first project went successful"

I hopped forward crushing the hell out of her in happiness.

"Oh wow... Congrats di.."

"Don't be formal khushiji, let's start the masti" Di chided and winked pointing the big parcel.

Taking it to dining table we opened everything and pour it on a bowl making it easy to serve.

"Mouthwatering di..."

Giggling like a kid, di and I dipped our palm in the bowl to take our first puri. Before our palm make it towards our lips, the process was restricted midway. Following the obstacle, we both raised our eyes and met with one stern glare.

"Arnavji... Chotte..." Whined we simultaneously.

"What you both are exactly doing?" Questioned he like a laadgovernor, which he is actually.

"Why? Has your eyesight gone, glaring at your laptop?" I huffed in annoyance. There lays my ever favourite foods and this laadgovernor is restricting me for no reason.

"Shut up Khushi. Forget what happened last week, you both are not going to touch this food"

"That was last week" I rebuked not able to digest his ban on eating street foods. Admitted, last week di was not well. Her cafeteria food turned poison tying her to bed for two days. But for that, it was unfair to stop me from having my foods. I licked my lips as the Pani from puri leaks out.

"Street foods are unhygienic. Don't know which brands of oil and flours they're using. God knows, water is RO purified or not. The plastic bag they gives carries lot of gems. And the.."

"Stop it arnavji. You may be Finicky eater but that hasn't give you any right to decide what should I eat and what should not" I argued back in frustration. Jalebi's and panipuris are calling me. I made a crying face as he still have his strong grip on my wrists stopping me from eating. I looked at di, she pouted sadly. Well, she can't argue back as she just recovered from her illness.

"I don't give fu.. Forget it, Hariprakash take this. Serve something healthy" He yelled and as like always Hariprakash did what he said.

I parted my lips to retort but swallowed the words. Thanks to the laadgovernor who covered my mouth with his palms "You're doi.. hmmm... Hmmm..."

I wiggled, trying to get rid of his hold. He tightened his hold. I looked helplessly at di who is still pouting at the dishes which has been carried to kitchen by HP.

I stomped my foot on his flip-flops cladded foot and he jumped wincing in pain.

"Dammit khushi..."

I twisted my lips "Serves you right"


"Khushiji I think you hit him hard. His eyes turned red" Di whispered seeing his retreating figure.

I bite my nails in confusion. Did I hit him hard like di said? But who asked him to snatch my favourite? Uffff... More than this food, now his eyes are not letting me in peace. Driven by sympathy, I followed him upstairs.

He sat on the recliner. I took baby steps and placed my palms gently on his shoulder. He looked up and I closed my eyes waiting for his blast.

Strangely my heart started to race against my chest. Am I afraid of his scoldings? But then his breath hit my lips. My eyelids parted in shock. His lips are just an inch apart from me. My lips split apart anticipating his next move. Not breaking my anticipation, his hard one's touched my soft one's. Heart beats raced in jet speed.

"Tring... Tring..."

The hard petals of his withdraw back and I literally fumed seeing him.

"Yes Aman..."

And do I need to tell what would've happened after that?

I don't know why he is Fanatic about attending amanji call when we're about to... Dammit! Hadn't ever he heard about silent mode or missed calls? And even amanji grew the habit of calling him at exact time. Damn these hot headed man. Wonder, will I ever have the chance of carrying and cradling my junior? And not to say amanji is fanatic about calling arnavji always... Damn... Amanji... It's time to change his relationship status.



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