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Ok here is the thing i dont have a picture of Deathstar nor Sunset I have to recreate them they got destroyed while i was cleaning the old house before we moved i was so upset about it i worked so hard them both and now i gotta redo the work so hopefully it will be done soon so in the mean time try ur best to image her till i show the picture oh also this is a little bio thing about Deathstar

Transformers Prime Oc

Full Name: Deathstar

Age: unknown

Sex: Femm

Race: Cybertronian

Paint Colors: Black, Grey, Deep dark red

Height: tall as Optimus

Optics: Bright Blue

Languages Spoke: All Earth languages and Cybertronian

Weapons: shadow claws s


Car type:458 italia farri sports car

Family: Autobot Sunset-Mother, Decepticon Megatron-Father

Ok she is a half autobot and half decepticon reason y i wanted her like this Because u really dont see a lot of hybrids to be created like this to be stuck in the middle of a war without knowing whats going on and y cant there be peace between both species. I gotta admit I love my character Deathstar is a part of me for so long that somethings can be related

Well then this was a long talk I do hope u enjoy the story it will be kinda slow for right now till i figure out whats going on till then we will meet again
This chick is out lol

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