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Shin Heeyoung

I've been accepting job offers in every program. My manager was happy ofcourse but at the same time, he was starting to question if i was alright.

I spent sleepless nights writing lyrics. I'd sleep at almost 3 in the morning writing lyrics and some sappy poems. I'd wake up at 6 am to start my morning schedule. I work nonstop just to take my mind away from my grandmother's weakening body.

I got a call from the nursing home, the day after her birthday, she fell sick and bed ridden. They said its nothing big, but of course it is for me, she's the only family member I have.

"Hey, hey this is not working!" The photographer kicked the trash bin near him. He was getting frustrated, I was out of focus the whole shoot. "Listen Storm, I don't carw what you are going through but stop wasting my time! Work is work!" He shouted at me. I just stood there, in front of all the staff members, unfazed.

"I'm sorry about her, she's just tired. Let's have an hour of rest. It'll be good for the other models as well." My manager bowed in apology. The photographer scoffed and agreed, at least.

I walked off, outside the room to the fire exit. I closed the door after entering. I sat down on the cold hard step and lean on the wall for support.
I wore my earphones and listened to peaceful classical music.

The hell do I care about wasting that asshole's time?....

I shut my eyes, taking a moment to gather myself.

I felt someone sit beside me. I lifted my eyes, gently, just feeling so tired, they were so heavy.

"Hyun-oppa?" It was just my manager. He gave a scowl. I knew he's gonna scold me again but i'm so tired, not physically but mentally. I don' think I can take another scolding. I shut my eyes again and buried my face on my arms, settled on my knees.

I felt him pull my earphones off.

"I should just cancel all your schedules for today. You look so stupid spacing out in front of the camera." He said.

"No. I'll work." I moved my head, so I can take a little peak at him. He was already looking at me with his eyebrows scrunched up in displeasure. He was scowling. I chuckled, he looked older than his original age, probably because of me. I'm too stubborn and selfish and bratty. I feel sorry he has to deal with me....

In fact i feel sorry to everyone who had to deal with me. I specially feel sorry to my parents... they had to have me as their stupid daughter.

"You're not their stupid daughter." He said, sighing. Did I say that out loud?
His eyes softened. His scowl diminished. "You're a good kid, Heeyoung... i'm actually glad i'm your manager." He gave me a gentle smile.

I didnt say anything... I was just staring at either him or the wall.

"Do you have problems? You know, i'm no psychologist but I'm confident as your manager, you are going through something you can not handle alone." He said. "I'm always here for you, Heeyoung, manager or not, i can be your friend too." He continued, patting my head.

"I'm fine. You're just imagining things." I brushed his hand away. "Besides... I kept things to myself since I was 13... I think I can handle myself well." I shut my eyes, trying to catch some sleep.

I heard him sigh. "You're not alone... just know that." Again, he ruffled my hair, from my head, to my shoulder, his hand lingered. I opened my eyes to see him with his eyes, concentrated on me, filled with concern and.. affection?

"S-stop spouting non sense." I blurted out, avoiding the looks he's been giving me.

He flinched and pulled his hand back. He just gave me a smile, he leaned in fast and gave my forehead a kiss. He was too fast to stand up and move out.

I was left there blushing like crazy. I'm already confused and sleepless because of my grandmother and Chan. Now that asshole of a manager is joining the 'Don' let Heeyoung sleep- squad'?!


We finally finished the photoshoot, it wasn't just me the photographer scolded. He even made some models cry.

I just did everything that he asked me just so I could leave, thankfully he was satisfied with some shots and he let me off. This revealing clothes wasn't exactly my type too.

I walked off set and to my stylists and manager. "Finished, finally, that asshole is such a brat, I swear." Hyun-oppa grunted. He covered me with his jacket and dragged me to my dressing room. "Change so we can leave."

What he did earlier isn't something I can easily forget, i'm just ignoring him for now. Hopefully, this confusing mess stops, we should be professional...

We went back to the company to continue our work, today, I was set to record the first two songs of my album. Hopefully the producers are satisfied with my voice so it won' take long.

I passed by the lounge Stray Kids always hang out at. I heard them going through some plans for the trainees' assessment. They were talking loud for me to hear.

I ignored them and went to the reserved recording room and greeted the two producers already in there, waiting for me.

"Storm, you're here. First is your first track, 'Cruel'. Then we'll record your next song later, 'Undo'." He said.

Lee Minho

"Looks like Storm-sunbaenim is in a gloomy mood again." Felix came in with bottles of water. "She's in the next room"

The boys laughed. "She's always gloomy, right, Channie-hyung?" Jisung asked and laughed with the others. Our leader just gave us a lopsided smile.

Our leader is  good guy he cares for everyone of us, he really really does but when it comes to Heeyoung-noona, he's like a different person when it comes to her. Well, of course Chan-hyung shows a different personality when it comes to Soomin-noona and then a different one again when it comes to Heeyoung-noona. He treats both girls differently, although it shouldn't be weird since the former is her girlfriend and the later is just his bestfriend. But I could see tension. The three of them were basically glued together long before two of the three got in a romantic relationship.
Now, Heeyoung-noona looks like she'd rather be anywhere than be in the same room as the two.

I can only imagine what she feels.

"You silent so suddenly, hyung?" Our maknae asked. Among all 9 of us, Heeyoung-noona is specially close with me, and jeongin. Of course channie-hyung too but you know the circumstances.

"Lately, noona's feeling down... Can' you see? She's obviously tired, her eyebags are prominent, she looks paler than usual, and she doesn't even talk to us anymore." I looked at everyone, they were all paying attention to what I was saying. We all love her, she used to help us with our singing, gave us tips and treated us meals, but that was before. Now she acts like a stranger. "Can't you see? She's forcing herself to work nonstop."

"Should we try and cheer her up?" Maknae asked, his face lighting up until our Leader hyung interjected.

"Its better if we let her be. I think she needs space." Is what he said but to hell with that, she's like my own sister. There's no way i'm leaving her alone in the dark. She helped me get up on my feet, now its time for me to do the same. If hyung doesn't want to, then he doesn't need to.

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