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So Stray Kids debuted with their song District 9.

I stood there, hidden among the audience. I was wearing just simple t shirt and jeans and a face mask that was it, I know some people recognize me in this but at least its not everyone I pass by.

Their fans held lightsticks and banners also chanting the song with the boys. It was amazing, these group, they matured a lot. Back then, some of the boys would come to me and ask for some help in their vocal techniques.

I smiled. I'm glad they finally debuted because they deserve it. They would train so hard everyday, they spend hours.and hours.mastering their dance and vocals and rapping. I was there to watch them improve so watching them perform on stage now with their own fans made me feel like a proud mom.

After the event, I went back to the company to celebrate with them. I bought pizzas and coca colas.

"Noona!" Jisung called. "Let me help you with that!" He bowed down to me before taking the pizza boxes.and placing them on the table in the middle of the room.

Minho came to me next. "You made it! Those look heavy." He took the litre of coke from my other hand.

I thanked the both of them.

The boys were celebrating. Thankfully, there were no staff in here, they probably went do more work and left the boys here to rest and celebrate. "Noona! Have you seen our performance on tv?!" Their dark rapper asked. I must ssay his dark concept is very ironic, he's actually very cute.

"Yeah, I was in the audience." I smiled. Their eyes widened.

"Really? The tickets weren't cheap!" Woojin-oppa said.

"Well, the maknae asked me to come, of course I did." I smiled at everyone. "Here, I bought pizza, congratulations on your debut!"

The boys cheered. Everyone were enjoying themselves especially their leader. Although we were ignoring each other, he was still enjoying himself.

I'm glad, really. I know how badly he worked for this debut. He formed Stray Kids and helped them so much just so they could all debut together. That's why I hated JYP, I mean, he can.just debut everyone! Why this drama? They all deserve it, they are such talented and hardworking kids, people already love them so much even after debut. So when he announced that their debut will depend on the votations, I knew for sure, the group will debut as nine and not seven.

"Noona, so what's your favourite song of ours?" Jisung asked. He's so cute, his fans are right about his cute squirrel visuals.

"Hellevator,  of course."  I smirked, singing jisung's part with the high note and did a perfect belting.

They cheered and clapped, "Of course, Storm-noona's voice is the best." Minho chuckled. This kid, he has a way with his charms, at this rate, he'll have his fans wrapped around his little pinky.

"Thanks, Minho."

My eyes scanned the faces of every member but stopped when I met the kimd eyes of the guy I love. He had a small smile on his lips, his barely noticeable dimples graced his cheeks.

So i did the one thing I thought I could. I gave him one of my most sincere open mouth smile. When I did, I heard the boys stop talking. I glanced over at them and saw an amusing view, really. Their cheeks had a tint of pink in them and it made them cuter 10 times than how cute that already are.

I returned my eyes on Chris but he was already on his phone typing furiously on his phone's screen. He had a wide wide smile on his face, his eyes disappeared.... only she can make him smile so hard and with a blush....

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