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*R18 chapter Read at your own risk*

Shin Heeyoung

"So.... you'll leave later tonight for your tour.... Well, good luck Heeyoung..." JYP smiled and gave me a pat on my head.

"Yes sir."

"Oh and don't forget to spend time with your boyfriend." He reminded. I didn't dare look at his eyes. Instead, I just smiled and nodded.

I thought of messaging Jungkook and actually spend the day with him but maybe spending it with Stray Kids was a better idea.... Or a certain someone from stray kids.

Just then, I was pulled inside a dark room. I shrieked but a hand was placed to cover my mouth. "Mmmphff!!"

"Heeyoung, its me." Chris whispered in my ears as his arms wrapped around me from behind. He removed his hand on top of my mouth and held my hand.

"Chris..." I didn't have any words on my mouth since logic left me the moment he whispered huskily in my ear. Okay, I didn't ask for an asmr.

His face nuzzled in my neck and I couldn't help but chuckle because i felt tickled. "Hey, I'm ticklish.." I whispered.

"Oh really, sweetie?" He whispered in his thick Aussie accent with mischief lingering in his voice. I shivered when his breath hit my bare neck but I was shock when I felt something moist and wet against my neck.

"Chris... Not.... Not now... Not here." My hands held his tighter.

"Why?... You scared of getting caught?" He asked in the middle of licking and sucking my neck. I was getting pulled in by his magic. The pleasure was getting to me and I was afraid of losing control. "Just relax, babe..."

My mind screamed for me to stop him but my body enjoyed the feeling and started to follow his husky voice unconsciously. I relaxed and leaned into him more.

"Sue you if you leave a mark." I whispered.

He let go of my hand and pulled my blouse down my shoulder. His mouth started moving, wandering from my shoulder to the back of my ear, nipping, sucking and licking.
I couldn't hold it in any longer so I let out a quiet moan.

He immediately pulled away. "F*ck..."

He pulled my blouse up and pulled the tie of my hair, letting it loose. He pulled my hair to the side he played with. Eyeing me once more to make sure he covered my neck. I knew for sure he left a mark.  He pulled me out of the room and dragged me out of the building. But not before wearing his mask. He dragged me to my car.

"Drive. To your dorm now." He said. I just followed him, turning the engine on before driving a small drive.

I had a feeling of what might happen but it scared me. Chris scared me. I couldn't understand him, to be honest. What if he shows me affection now but decides later on that he wants nothing to do with me. I couldn't take a direct hit like that again. I might lose it.

I parked my car in the basement.

I got out with him. He held my hand tightly and when we got in the elevator, he backed me into a corner and tilted my head up before lavishing my lips.

His lips molded against mine in a soft and gentle kiss. But then he stopped. "You want to lead?" He asked, smirking. I blushed and put my head on his shoulder. I heard him chuckle. When the elevator opened, we got off and we walked to my unit, taking our time.

"You'll be gone fore two months more or less?" He asked.

"Yeah..." I answered as I pushed the door open and we walked in. My luggage was already by the door, there was no food on my fridge and everything was clean.


He sat on the sofa and he pat his lap, calling me to sit down. I did and he wrapped his arms around my waist. His head was on my shoulder. "I'll miss you." He whispered.

"Don't worry." I smiled.

He started kissing my neck again but this time, I felt more relaxed so I closed my eyes and let small moans out of my mouth. His hand turned my face a little bit on the side so he could lean a bit and give me a kiss on my lips.

I turned to face him. I can't believe I was doing it but I was straddling him and kissing him. His moist tongue glided over my lips asking for permission and I let him. I didn't bother fighting him for dominance because I knew he was the winner so I let him. I was getting short on oxygen so I pulled away.

His eyes searched mine. What I saw was love, respect and lust. His hands wandered up my shoulders and on my neck and then back to my shoulders. He pulled my blouse down and started to unbutton.

He let my back hit the soft sofa and he hovered over me. Again, lavishing my lips and then my neck. His mouth got lower and lower down as he unbuttoned another button on my blouse, revealing my pink bra.

He continued on licking and kissing down until he reached the top of my shorts. He pulled down my shorts and removed my blouse, leaving my in my undergarments. I was quick to cover the self inflicted scars on my waist because of the anxiety floating inside me. I felt embarrassed showing myself to him but he only smiled and showered my scars with his kisses. "I love you....." Another kiss. "You are perfect..." Another kiss. "These scars don't matter, because I love everything about you, Heeyoung."

He pulled his shirt off and he started unbuckling his belt but I stopped him. "I... I'm not ready for that..." I told him. I knew I had better stop him at this point. I looked at him, saying sorry with my eyes but he kissed me and told me its alright.

"I know what isn't going over your limits." He smirked before making out with me. His hands going lower and lower my body before slipping under the thin cloth covering my sacred area. His fingers started moving and touching the places that made me a wreck. My moans were covered by his kiss. "So effin' wet, Heeyoung..."

My hands were awkward and I didnt know what to do with them until he whispered. "Touch me..." And I did. My hands smoothed out his toned body, his muscles before letting them glide on his soft soft curls.

He sat up watching me writhe under his touch. His finger rubbed me down there in circles making my moans go insane. It was already loud and I was afraid my neighbors would hear.

"C-chris!!! I can't...." My words were muffled by my moans. Oh god, I never thought I'd be feeling this way with just his long slender fingers....

"Don't hold it in..." When he said that, I screamed. I felt my body shake as I released all the pleasure in one go.

When I thought it was over, I felt wet and moist down there this time. The pleasure was harder. His finger entered me while his mouth licked all of my treats. "You're a virgin..."

I was still sensitive down there so my quiet moans escalated to load and breathy ones as his mouth did magic to me.

It went on until we were in the shower. Limited amount of words were said but it was alright, everything else that hasn't been worded out was felt.

Good thing I managed to let him out before my team arrived....

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