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Shin Heeyoung

I blinked my eyes, then realized that my white dress was soaking up blood that was gushing out of the wound. I didn't think twice and I placed my hands over the wound... The adrenalin got me shocked and panicking inside but as I felt myself become weaker, I felt the sharp pain rush through my body. Then my knees buckled and I drooped to the floor...

The scream and cries of panic from my fans, the last thing I heard before my eyes rolled back and everything went black.


Bang Chan

Stray Kids and I were in a meeting with the producers and even our CEO to discuss about our comeback and our stages.

Our music video has just been released and we were monitoring the success of it, just watching the likes pile up and all. We smiled at the support we were receiving.

Today is just a good ol'day but tomorrow, we will be performing on stage and showing everyone what we prepared for a long time thats why we've been showing our faces less.
Suddenly, in the middle of talking, a staff went in with worry in her eyes and a huge frown. On her hand was a phone.

The CEO looked at her and gave her a glare. "You know how to knock?" He asked. But thankfully he was just joking with the glares since he smiled immediately and told the girl to step up and tell him why she came without even knocking. "What do you need to tell me? So urgent you can't knock?"

"S-sir.... Its...." She gulped and extended her arm, giving the CEO the phone call. He aligned it to his ear.

"Hello?" He greeted. Then his smile morphed into a frown. He looked at us with a grim face. "I'm sorry, I have urgent matters to attend to." He said then he left, continuing the phone call. He totally looked tensed and worried.

"What was that..." I asked. The producers shrugged when I looked at them for some answers that they might have but no.

"It could be anything, really." They shrugged and we went back to monitoring our success.

When we finally walked out the room, our staff were going nuts, they were receiving a sudden mass of phone calls and it was either they didn't pick the telephone up or they picked it up and they would say "yes, we understand but please wait for the company's official statement and then we'll regard you with the matter."

It was crazy. "What happened?" Jisung asked more to himself. We just excused ourselves and made our way to our lounge. Just then, our manager came in with a grim face too.

"Hyung, why's everyone going crazy?" I asked.

He sucked in a breath and took the remote, turning the tv on.

"-- the young artists is currently in the hospital getting treated but her state is not yet clear. We just pray that Storm will be alright." The news anchor said. "Here is a footage taken by a fan when a first shot resounded in the stadium and shattered the huge screen." Then a video came on screen.

For some reason, my pulse started to beat rapidly and my breathing got labored as if I ran in a marathon. I watched in confusion and in worry. Heeyoung was singing with her fans when suddenly a loud bang disturbed them and you could see in the video that everything became hectic and crazy after wards. Screaming people in the background. 'That was a gun shot right?!' the holder of the phone said.

'oh my god, we have to get out of here!' another person said.

'HOLY SHIT I GOT IT ON CAMERA!!' then the news cut the video and fear started to course through my veins as i turned my attention to our manager.

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