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"Jack, cappuccino for Daniel, table twelve."

    "I hate cappuccinos," Jack grumbled. "Can you do it, Samirah?"

    "You need to practice all of them," I chided. "You can't just stick to the easy stuff."

    He rolled his eyes, but headed over to the coffee station to start making the drink. I rang up Daniel and watched Jack make the drink. He did well until he actually mixed the drink.

    "That's too much foam," I muttered to Jack once I set the drink on Daniel's table.

    He just shrugged. "He already looks high."

    "You're so dirty minded," I muttered. "Dani's just a happy person."

    "You know him?" Jack raised his eyebrow at me.

    "Yeah," I said, blushing. "He goes to my school."

    "You like him, don't you?"

    "Lowkey," I muttered. "But it won't go anywhere. Where are you headed to after our shift?"

    "Probably to get something to eat," he said. "Wanna come with? There's a couples discount at the burger place around the corner."

    "Why, Valentine's Day?"


    "Sure," I shrugged. "It's better than supporting Singles Awareness Day. Alone. With pizza. And a movie."

    "That sounds great," Jack said solemnly, the effect ruined by the teasing glint in his eyes.


    We sat down in a booth after we had ordered. We had gotten the same thing, a bacon cheeseburger with fries on the side. He had gotten for himself an inordinate amount of jalapeños and ketchup.

    "What the hell?" I said as he came back with his arms loaded. "Surely you don't need that much?"

    "You underestimate me, Sam," he grinned, setting everything down and passing me a cup of water. I rolled my eyes, but took it.

    Our order came and we devoured it, Jack making jokes about food as he indiscriminately ate his burger and added jalapeños and fries into his mouth. I mostly just kept silent, my mouth full of delicious burger.

    "Did you see the Will Smith movie about McDonald's?" Jack asked, drizzling ketchup on his burger.

    "No," I replied, confused. "There's a movie like that?"

    "It's called the Pursuit of Happy Meals," he grinned. I rolled my eyes. "How did the burger propose to the fry?"


    "With an onion ring."

    "Can you shut up?" I groaned. "We're not even at McDonald's."

    "Well, what did the frog order there?"

    "I hate you."

    "French flies and a diet croak, my dear."


    Jack ran up to me, hanging his apron on the hooks provided. "Guess what."

    "What?" I asked, putting mine on.

    "I got that guy Daniel's phone number for you," he said, waving a slip of paper teasingly in my face.

    I snorted. "He has a girlfriend."

    Jack frowned. "So my considerable charismatic talents were put to no use?"

    "Keep trying," I said, patting his shoulder as I walked behind the counter.

    "Actually, can you do me a favor?" He asked, his cheeks flushing red.


    "I need a regular coffee and one Chocolate Dalmation from the Starbucks Secret Menu," he explained.

    I rolled my eyes. "Jack, we're not a Starbucks. Also, what?"

    He showed me the recipe and explained the purpose of it. I smirked and prepared the drinks.


    "How was your date?" I grinned at him as Jack came in for work. He turned a deep red.

    "It was great," he mumbled, taking a broom and starting to sweep the floor.

    "Ramona a nice girl?"

    "Yup. Everything I could ever ask for. Thanks for your help." I had suggested the flowers and plushy for the girl he liked and recently took on a date. Honestly, he really liked her. I was proud of my best friend for going out into the world and not always being single.

    Now for me to find a guy.


Because I'm bored here's another chapter.

Why Don't We date already? | oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now