polaroid - zonah

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Zach stood there awkwardly, a camera in his hand. People passed his sign. He didn't really mind them. There weren't many people his age around.

"Hey," a girl asked, standing in front of him. "You do photo shoots?"

"Sure," Zach grinned. "Instagram, modeling portfolio-- I'm open for anything."

"Nice," the girl said, smiling back. "Can you take a few for my Instagram?"

He complied and immediately led her to a part of the park with good lighting. He spent a few moments taking pictures of her as she posed, the willows rustling in the background.

"Polaroid or digital file?" he asked, downloading the pictures onto his phone so he could edit them and send them to her.

"You do Polaroid?" her brown eyes widened. "Oh, yes, please."

"That's ten dollars."

"Shit," she cursed under her breath. "Oops, I didn't say anything."

"What?" Zach asked, playing along. The girl grinned.

"I just hope Jonah has money on him," the girl muttered. She pulled out her phone and called someone as Zach pretended to mess around with pictures he'd taken previously.


"Oh my God, Esther," Jonah muttered, shoving his phone back into his pocket as he answered the demands of his younger sister. He did love her. Just possibly a little too much.

He patted his pockets, trying to find his wallet. Opening it, he found a Hamilton and sighed in relief. Hopefully there wasn't any tax.

He and Esther had gone to the park to visit some friends and play a round of softball, but Esther had left earlier with her friends, who were the younger sisters of Jonah's friends to the other side of the park. Before she left, Jonah made sure she had her phone on her. Apparently, she had forgotten some spare money.

He and his friends were at the bottom of the ninth inning (at least, that's what the scorekeeper said) of a good-natured game of baseball when his phone rang. He had to leave his game just as it was his turn up to bat.

He wished it was the guy he had been texting a couple weeks prior, hoping that he wasn't actually straight. One could wish. Unfortunately, it wasn't.

He slowed down in front of a stand, Esther standing next to another guy and conversing with him as Jonah jogged to them.


Zach looked up. His jaw nearly dropped as he stared at - what's her name?- Esther's brother, who came up to his stand. He was so damn tall. He was almost picture-perfect: strong jaw, pale blue eyes, coiffed hair, muscular body, pretty much everything Zach could ask for in a guy.

"Hey," he said, addressing Esther. Zach could feel his heart melting. His voice was so hot.

The siblings exchanged a few words as Zach bit his lip and looked down, trying not to come off as creepy towards Esther's brother. Like, it was a possibility that he was gay, but Zach wasn't about to take the chance. Or, worst case scenario, he could be extremely straight and extremely homophobic with a bitchy girlfriend. Oh wait, no. Scratch that. Worst case scenario, he has a boyfriend.

Zach was too busy trying to scrap money to go to college, where he could refine his photography skills to deal with the mess involving relationships. Besides, all the people that Zach would end up liking were either straight, taken, or.... straight and taken. So yeah, but no.

"Hello?" Esther's brother snapped his fingers in front of Zach's face, snapping him out of his thoughts. Zach didn't even notice he was staring at a picture of his. He shook his head a little, trying to clear away most of the fuzziness before looking up. Oops. Bad move.

"Uh-um, yeah?" Zach asked, trying hard not to blush and/or get distracted by the attractive stranger in front of him.


Jonah sighed. It was bad enough that this guy was probably invested in another guy, as he was staring at a picture of another guy for a while until Jonah interrupted him. "Can we get the Polaroids?"

"S-Sure," the younger boy stuttered out, immediately flipping switches and pressing buttons on a sleek machine, connecting it to his camera. A few moments later, several Polaroids printed out and the photographer handed them to Esther. "That's, um, free for you."

Jonah immediately turned on Esther. "Why'd you drag me all the way here if they were free?"

She backed up a couple steps. "They were ten dollars, I swear! I--" She looked in between the tow boys before a smirk overcame her face.

"Zach," she said, addressing the photographer, "Jonah's number is ***-****."

The younger boy -Zach's- mouth dropped. He blushed and looked away as Jonah's cheeks burned.

"Thanks for that, Esther," Jonah hissed, unsure how Zach would react to that information.

"What?" she shrugged. "He's gay and so are you, and both of you keep looking at each other like you want to be together. Why not just make the move for you while it can still be played?"

While Jonah and Esther bickered, Zach quickly and quietly packed up his stuff. He took out his phone as he slung his duffel over his shoulder, his backpack banging into it.

Zach: Hey, Jonah, my name's Zach. Nice to meet you.


Okay so I wanted to do something different (kepotts21 😂😂😂😂) for my bxb chapters so they won't be much like pda or smut but they'll be more chill and stuff.

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