turned on

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I turned around. "What, Daniel?"

He walked up to me, his usual grin on his face. "We have the history paper due? Together?"

"Oh, yeah," I said, remembering. "I'm sorry, it slipped my mind."

"Want to come over to work on it?" he asked, scratching the back of his head nervously.

"Can't," I said. "I have an extracurricular." My usual excuse for when guys have to work on a project with me. Puh-leeze. The only "project" they want to work on is getting in my pants.

"Oh." His face fell slightly. "See you, then. Should I just share a Docs with you?"

"Sure," I said, an urge to hug him in the back of my mind. He walked away, hands in his pockets. I watched him go, my brow furrowed in concentration.

Is that what it means to be turned on? He literally just stood there and talked to me.

But the tilt of his head, his ocean-blue eyes, his slightly downcast look when I turned him down--


What did I just admit?


I'll admit.

I was beginning to have something, maybe, for Daniel.

I don't know where it exactly started. I was in the middle before I realized I had feelings for him and that it had blossomed over time.

I don't even exactly knew what endeared me about Daniel. I just...I don't know.

After the history project (which we ended up acing, surprisingly), I began to notice Daniel more. He wasn't just the guy in the back of the class who answered all the so I didn't have to. I began to notice his answers and how insightful they were. I began to notice the way he would move his pencil with his fingers as he talked. I began to notice the vivacity of his eyes, the aliveness shimmering beneath the surface of his skin. I began to notice how his eyes would crinkle when he smiled. I began to notice....him.

When we were talking about possible themes for a book during a "book club" or whatever, Daniel brought up the topic of love. "What do you guys think?"

His piercing, blue-eyed gaze swept the group, consisting of four others. I dropped my own gaze, absentmindedly playing with my pen. I just couldn't look him in the eye without digging my nails into my skin, trying hard as hell not to smile and blush like an idiot.

Someone else took the question. I was too absorbed in my pen to pay much attention. I knew that if I so much spared a glance at him, I would just melt under his gaze.

"I personally think that the husband loves her. Like, he wants her to be with him in the..."

I wasn't even looking at him and was blushing like an idiot. I bit my lip, trying not to start screaming internally as Daniel prattled on. This was going to be a long class period.


"Ingride and.......Daniel."

Oh no.



Another project with this guy.

We planned to meet at my house after school to work on our english project. I nearly ran out of school after the last period and dashed home, hoping to clear out some of the stuff in my room before Daniel came over.

I managed to clear my room of random debris and sort through my school stuff when the doorbell rang.

"INKY! THERE'S A BOY HERE FOR YOU!" I heard my older brother, Corbyn, shout.

"SHUT IT!" I shouted back, running down the stairs.

I heard my other brother, Zach, say, "What?"

"BOTH OF YOU GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM THE DOOR!" I screeched, pushing through them to reach Daniel. I grabbed him by the hand and immediately dragged him upstairs away from my brothers.

I slammed the door shut, locking it so my brothers would give up on trying to barge in. Daniel stood there awkwardly as I calmed down my heartbeat, fast from running. "So, wanna get started on that project?"


We were almost thirty minutes in when Daniel sighed. "You're doing it again."

"Doing what?" I mumbled, mindlessly twirling the pencil in my fingers.

"You're playing with your pen again and avoiding me."

"Am not."

"Ingride," Daniel said, pushing my chin up gently to face him. "What's wrong?"


"Nothing's not wrong!" he exclaimed. "Can you just tell me--"

I opened and closed my mouth, trying to find an argument. I just shook my head wordlessly, tears gathering in the corners. His eyes softened as my eyes flickered to his lips. I realized just how close we were.

Daniel Seavey, sitting on a green cube foam cushion in my room, kissed me, Ingride Beshron, sitting on a similar pouf, both of us eighteen years old, supposedly working on an english project after nearly three years of going to the same school together and finally meeting.

I pulled away, a tear now slowly making its way down the side of my face. "I'm sorry, I--"

"It's okay," he whispered. He leaned in and kissed me again.

After nearly nineteen years of living life, I was doing the thing that made me the happiest. And it wasn't eating ice cream for the bliss of it, or spending time with my friends, or enjoying any particular day.

It was kissing the boy who I have barely known for four years, kissing the boy I had first met for a history project at the beginning of senior year, a boy who I had been avoiding the past seven months because I was afraid to admit that I was getting turned on by him.

My hand reached up to touch his cheek just as Daniel wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me towards him. I smiled against his lips as he pecked them, trying hard not to smile as well.

The lock jiggled, but I ignored it. Only when the door burst open did I look up to see two amused and slightly furious brothers, one older by a year and the other younger by a year as well.



I got too excited so I published this chapter before schedule😂😂😂😂😂

Also if you haven't already check out the bonus chapter I posted on Viva La Vida (my Jack Avery ff). Hope u enjoy (there's more coming!!!)

Also I might be uploadig not as much as summer goes on bc I write on my iPad and I'm taking a hiatus from social media soon....so if the formatting seems weird it's probs bc I wrote it on my phone and it's a drag to do 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ but anyways I have a way around it.....bc I'm not giving up this easy 😂😂😂😂

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