youth - jarbyn

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There was a chapter about a school shooting here that I wrote after the Parkland shooting, which was on March 25, 2018. And yes, it is gone.

My first reason for this is that I romanticized school shootings. I claimed not to be when I wrote it, but after some self-reflection, I admit that it did. I was not as in touch with how writing works as I am now, and I still have more to learn.

This chapter was not indicative of me as a person, and is not indicative of me as a writer today.

If you have read this chapter, please be aware that it never came across to me as a reader as I intended it to as a writer. I will still not respond to any comments made on this chapter, and encourage you all to not leave any comments as well.

To those of you who do inevitably come across this chapter and will never read it, please go and actually support the movement started by the March For Our Lives by education yourself, donating to credible organizations, and spreading petitions.

Writing about it, while cathartic in the moment, is not helpful at all in the long term.



Written 12/27/20

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