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books series: percy jackson by rick riordan



I sat by the water's edge, my feet dangling in the lake. I raised my hand. A small water ball, about the size of my hand, floated upwards. I flicked my hand. A small hurricane spiraled out of the water ball, soon disappearing into the water.

    "I still think you cheated."

    Malina sat next to me. Immediately, the grass grew greener and the small flowers around the edge of the lake brightened.

    "Nonsense," I replied. "That hurricane wasn't me, it was Zebulon."

    "You helped him, at least," she countered. "Besides, he's too young to do anything major."

    I shrugged. "Maybe a little. He's a son of Zeus, though."

    "Daniel," she complained, shoving my shoulder. "You shouldn't egg him on during capture the flag! You two are already dangerous enough together!"

    "I wasn't--" Vines snaked around my arms, anchoring them to the ground. More wrapped around my mouth, preventing the rest of my sentence from being spoken. I glared at Malina.

    She just shrugged, trying to hide a smile. I rolled my eyes and flicked my finger towards her, willing water to splash her.

    She glared at me through dripping wet hair. "Hey!"


    "Can't hear you, Dani." In response, I motioned for another wave of water to splash onto her. "HOLY HEPHAESTUS, Daniel, that was cold."

    I glared at her, causing her to roll her eyes. The plants slid from my arms and face and back into the ground. "Thank you."

    "What are you doing out here anyways? Shouldn't you be training with Percy?" Malina asked, flopping back onto the grass. She seemed to almost disappear into the grass, becoming one with the earth. Much like her mother.

    "He's got it," I sighed. "Son of Poseidon, hero of Olympus, etc. etc. He doesn't need to train anyone, nor does he need to be trained. Besides, he's doing high school."

    "He's still your brother," she said gently. "He needs to get used to having a brother almost as powerful as himself."

    "Don't remind me," I muttered.

    "Besides, you are a legacy as well. Son of Poseidon and legacy of Apollo.....well, I'll be glad to call you a friend."

    Those few words sent an arrow through my heart.

    Just a friend.

    "Yeah," I said, my chest tightening. "A friend."

    I wished it was so much different. I thought it was so much different. We had gone questing for the Battle of Olympus together. We fought side by side in the battle against Gaea. Back then, Poseidon hadn't claimed me yet. Once I had been claimed, I was moved out of the Hermes cabin and into Poseidon's, where the only other resident was Percy Jackson.

    I visited Camp Jupiter with Malina, excited to see the Roman camp. We had stayed there for a couple days, where Apollo claimed me as his legacy.

    But what could I have expected? I mean, who would want Daniel Seavey, not a hero nor a random camper, as more than a friend? And not even more of a friend to anyone but Malina.

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