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creds to bkcolwell21 for her Jack Avery fanfic Fearless. Go check it out if you haven't already this is based on the characters plus its a harry potter fanfic so its like a fanfic for three different thingys lmaoooo anyways imma stop and enjoy

book series: harry potter and the goblet of fire by jk rowling


Jack lurked around the corner, watching Callie come out of her Charms class. She was laughing and talking with her friends, her bag hanging negligently on her shoulder.

    He probably shouldn't be doing this, but a Slytherin and Hufflepuff together? That is usually a recipe for disaster. And by usually....99.999999% of the time.

    Jack stared at her until she disappeared from his line of vision. He sighed, shouldered his bag and went to Potions. There's wasn't any point in chasing after someone who would probably never like him back. Jack checked his watch. Five minutes to get to the dungeons. Oh well. Snape wasn't going to mark him late, being a Slytherin. But, might as well rush.

    He ran into the dungeons and slammed the door behind him.

    "Settle down," Snape said idly as Jack passed him to get to his seat. "The recipe for Amortentia is on the board. You have the entire class to work on it."

    Jack sighed. This was going to be an interesting class.


    After he was done with his potion, he cautiously took a whiff. It smelled of the flowers from his mother's garden, the woody smell of a guitar, and....something else. He's smelt that something else before. What was it? It was something flowery and delicate, like the perfume itself was thin and fragile, yet strong and resilient at the same time. Lowkey flirty, as well. He liked it a lot.

    Jack kept pondering the mysterious smell, not noticing where he was going. He rammed his shoulder into someone else, sending them both sprawling to the floor. The crunch of ink bottles sounded as a few people cleared a circle around the wizard and witch. Again, Jack caught a whiff of that mysterious smell once again.

    Jack picked himself off the floor. His stuff didn't seem to be ruined. Thankfully, something had softened his blow on the floor.

    "Oh, great," Jack muttered, noticing his robes were dripping form color-changing ink from the other person's bag. Apparently, he had sat on some ink bottles, causing them to break and spill all over him and the bag, staining the books. He picked it up and handed it to its owner.


    "I'm so sorry," Jack said, eyes wide as Callie said, "I'm sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going."

    "Sorry about your bag," Jack said as Callie took it from him and rushed past him, hoping that Jack didn't see her flushed cheeks.


    Callie sat down next to Alex at the Gryffindor table. "How's Logan?"

    "Why would you ask about my boyfriend before you ask about me?" Alex gasped, pretending to be offended. "And he's great. You need to find yourself a mans."

    Callie just rolled her eyes. "You bring up Logan in every conversation I've ever had with you, so I brought him up for you. And, no, I don't need a mans."

    "You need a Jack Avery," Alex whispered in Callie's ear and smirked. Callie nudged her in the ribs.

    "It's not going to happen," Callie muttered back. "He's....not interested in some random Hufflepuff he crashed into in the halls. I forgot to put an Unbreakable Charm on my ink bottles. Lucky me."

    "Luicky you, he's staring at you right now," Alex grinned back. Callie waited a few moments before looking over her shoulder at the Slytherin table. She spotted Jack almost immediately; he shifted his gaze to the column behind Callie. She sighed.

    "No, he isn't."

    "He was a moment ago!" Alex argued. She lowered her voice. "Admit it: you like him."

    "He won't like me back, though." And with that, Callie left the table.


    Jack gathered his courage. Now was the chance. There was barely anyone in the corridors, as they were probably out watching the Quidditch match.

    He quickly walked over to where Callie was reading, perched on the stone balustrades that lined the courtyard. He sat next to her, trying his hardest not to stare. "Hey."

    She bookmarked her book and looked up, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "Hey."

    "You should leave your hair down more often," Jack blurted out, gesturing towards the bun atop her head. "You look prettier with it down."

    "Oh," she mumbled. "Thanks."

    Stupid head, Jack cursed himself. That was the dumbest thing ever to say to her. He really needed to work on keeping his mouth shut.

    "What brings you to my neck of the woods?" Callie asked, tilting her head slightly to the side. Jack unconsciously bit his lip, noticing how the sun captured her features in the most attractive manner he had ever seen.

    "I'm sorry for bumping into you earlier," Jack mumbled. "I could pay for new books, if you need it."

    "It's fine," she smiled. "I've got it covered."

    "I-" Without meaning to, the words slipped out of Jack's mouth. "Will you go to the Yule Ball with me?"

    Minutes stretched themselves to hours as he watched Callie think of her answer. She smiled slightly.



    "Who would've thought that I would be going to the Yule Ball with Jack Avery?" Callie murmured, pinning the soft curls on the side of her head away from her face. "Alex, are you sure you didn't give him a shot of Amortentia?"

    "I'm sure," Alex grinned, having just finished her eyeliner. "I think he gets a shot of Amortentia every time he looks at you."

    "Is that supposed to be a compliment or a shipping joke?" Callie snorted, putting on a matte lipstick before swiping on some gloss.

    "Probably both," Alex replied, pulling her best friend to her feet. "Let's slay this Yule Ball."

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