secrets and northern lights

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Rosaura shuffled along the edge of the sidewalk, hands in her pockets and immersed in her thoughts. Her short, dark hair fell in her face, the now deep red ends scrunching up against the faux fur of her jacket. She sighed, her breath mixing with the cold wind and steaming, the water vapor visible in the air. She smiled slightly, remembering childhood innocence.

    She stopped by a familiar oak tree. She threw my jacket up into the tree, carefully limboing herself up after. She slid her jacket back on as she lay back on one of the branches, thick enough to support her weight. She closed her eyes, breathing in the woodsy scent from the tree.

    Her phone dinged.

    Known Secret: Hey.

    Her face lit up with a smile.


    Zach looked around, before looking back at his phone, waiting to see if Borealis had texted. There was a someone in a tree. He wasn't sure who, as only their boots showed and they were too far away to see clearly. There were people walking around the lake, but Zach wasn't interested in them.

    He had somehow found someone on an old online forum for an old band. He had exchanged numbers with them and they had been talking together for almost a year now.

    The thing that frustrated him most about this was that he didn't know exactly who it was. He didn't know their name, their face, or even where they lived.

    He didn't even know their freaking gender.

    He so badly wanted to find them. Every day that passed seemed to bring him farther from the person he texted. If he had to guess, it was a girl, about the same age as him. But it's the Internet. It could be anyone. All he knew is that they called themselves Borealis.

    Borealis: Hey.

    He grinned.

    Zach: What are you doing?

    Borealis: Hiding from the stupid people.

    Zach: Must be nice. I'm surrounded by stupid people.

    Borealis: idk I just ignore everybody

    Borealis: the people who are stupid to me are the people who bother me

    Zach: ikr

    Zach: well its not that they're bothering me its just that I am a very curious person


    Known Secret: like for example, there's someone in the tree around me

    Rosaura nearly fell out of her own tree. Her heart reate sped up as she reread the text.

    Rosaura: What do you mean?

    Known Secret: it might be better to explain it

    Known Secret: there's a park that I go to every day in the morning, where there's less people

    Known Secret: i like coming here because no one from my school goes here and I have time to get away

    Known Secret: from the reputation and popularity i acquired. It disgusts me

    Known Secret: usually there's someone in the tree near the bench I usually sit at

    Known Secret: its big but has low branches

    Known Secret: once someone tied a bunch of ribbons there but somehow they all disappeared.

    Rosaura gasped.

    She knew where the ribbons went. She was the one that took them and repurposed them to make hair ties for donation. Like, who randomly ties ribbons on a freaking tree? Besides, they were interrupting her private space.

    Known Secret, the person she's been texting for over a year, somehow lived near her.

    Known Secret: the person's always there when I'm there. Except on tuesdays and thursdays.

    Rosaura promptly fell out of the tree.


    Zach ran over to the person who just fell out of the tree. "Are you okay?"

    "Yeah," the girl said, standing up as Zach helps her. "Just.....surprised, I guess."

    Zach looked her up and down as the girl did the same to him. She was pretty, her dyed red hair complementing her brown eyes. Her freckles stood out against her skin. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, her gaze dropping. Zach, realizing he was staring, copied her actions, conscious of the blush now spreading across his already ruddy cheeks.

    The girl patted her pockets. "Looking for something?"

    "My phone," she muttered distractedly, looking around for it. Zach scanned the ground, picking up on a red rectangularly-shaped object lying on top of the snow. He ran to it and immediately picked it up.

    Somehow, it was still on and somehow still worked. And somehow, it was still open to her texts. And she had been texting someone.

    "Hey, you have my phone," the girl--Borealis-- said, her hand held out for her phone. Zach just looked up.

    He immediately places his lips on the girl's, shocking her. However, she kissed back, feeling sparks erupt around her. Soemthing just felt so right about kissing this stranger.

    "Hey, Borealis," he grinned, watching millions of emotions fly across the girl's face. Her eyes widened and immediately softened, realizing what just happened.

    "Hey, Known Secret," she murmured, placing her hands on his neck and kissing him once again.


what is with me and ending oneshots with kisses

Also Zach is known secret bc he's popular but the only thing that hats popular about him is his image and he hates it. Rosaura is borealis bc aurora borealis, get it?

Mkay bye I'll leave

Also deleted like five oneshots bc I hated them all and they didn't feel like my best work

And no I can't publish them anyways bc I wrote hem on wattpad😂😂😂😂

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