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kepotts21 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 ngl this is one of my favs

Check out her ff endless about Jonah marais it's awesome

book series: harry potter by jk rowling


"Aurora Daniels!"

    The small girl, her brown hair in a plait running from the top of her part and wrapping around the side of her head, sat on the stool. A split second after the Sorting Hat touched her head, it screamed, "GRYFFINDOR!"

    The already rustling table burst into loud applause for the new first year. Aurora hopped off the stool and immediately began a discourse with her neighbors, excited upon entering her new school. It had been a dreary couple of years when her best friend and brother, Mark, went to Hogwarts for the first time and got Sorted into Hufflepuff House. She didn't want to spend another year reading though his letters about how amazing Hogwarts was through his owl. She also didn't like his particular owl anyways.

    She wanted to experience Hogwarts for herself. She nearly burst into tears once she read her letter. She still couldn't believe it, looking up at the enchanted ceiling and the floating candles. Her gaze lingered over the golden silverware and the pointed hats of hundreds of students.

    "Jonah Marais!"

    A skinny boy with skater hair made his way to the front. His blue eyes flickered over the crowd and latched onto Aurora's as the Sorting Hat made its decision.


    Not breaking eye contact, the boy came over to where Aurora was sitting and sat across the table. Leaning as close as he could get to the girl without falling onto the table, he whispered, loud enough for her to hear, "I'm going to marry you one day."


    Aurora got dressed and headed down to breakfast. After almost three years of being at Hogwarts, she had the place mapped in her head to almost pin-point precision. Then again, sneaking around the corridors at night did help a lot.

    She quickly pulled her hair into a ponytail, running down the stairs towards the Great Hall and jumping over the trick step, dashing to the right and up the center of the Hall, already full of clinking glasses and the sounds of contented chewing. She slid into place besides her fellow Gryffindor, Saoirse.

    "Overslept?" her friend grinned, pushing her dark hair off her shoulder.

    "I can't help it," Aurora simply shrugged, her face mirroring Saoirse's. "I was up all night, checking out the kitchens. Can you believe they have Cheez-its in there?"

    "That has to be the weirdest Muggle obsession you caught on," Saoirse replied, spearing a couple potatoes before putting them in her mouth.

    "They're good!" Aurora defended. Before Aurora could say any more, the Head of Gryffindor House, Professor Neville Longbottom, passed around their course schedules.

    "No, Aurora, you can't run into the Forbidden Forest when Hagrid has you for Care of Magical Creatures," the professor said, dropping her schedule on her plate. Seeing her frown, he grinned, "That also includes every day that you're on the grounds."

    "You're no fun for a guy who illegally held a rebellion in Hogwarts," she grumped, adding emphasis on the last two words. "Not to mention you were the friend of the guy who pioneered a new form of breaking rules here."

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